
masterful coach



masterful coach



A Bold Niche: An Interview with Purposeful Coaches

podcast Oct 27, 2021

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Speaking and coaching boldly, especially about topics that can be uncomfortable or are typically avoided, is somewhat unique in the coaching world. But even if you don’t coach on specialty topics, boldness is occasionally needed in any coaching business. In this episode, I chat with three coaches who specialize in unique niches. I wanted to bring them on the podcast to share their experiences. I hope you gain some inspiration to be both bold and purposeful in your coaching business, no matter your specialty.

What You’ll Learn

  • Has it ever felt uncomfortable or scary to lean into your niche or to be bold? What did you learn working through that?
    • Overcome fear of what others will think
    • Tiptoe in
    • Follow your passion and fulfill your purpose
    • Push through the uncertainty and challenges
    • Know it eventually gets easier
    • Focus on those who need you
  • What are some challenges you’ve faced in your business?
    • Finding connection to bring on new clients
    • Adapting to the different business structure needed in niche coaching
    • Constraining information into consumable installments
  • What is your vision for your business? What’s next?
    • Move forward, compelled by the motivator of staying true to my purpose
    • Continue the structure that cultivates the life I want for my business and family
    • Keep the discussion going and help more women thrive
    • Tip: Work with all that is you

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Connect with 3 Purposeful and Bold Coaches:

Amanda Louder

I help Christian (LDS) women who are never in the mood for sex learn to embrace their sexuality and love their sex life. Website: Instagram: | @amandaloudercoaching

Ashlee Sorensen

Leverage your hormones so you can powerfully create a life you love. Instagram: | @ashleesorensencoaching

Ashton Barrett

I help women reclaim their life, body + mind from diets + disordered eating. Instagram: | @thatashtonbarrett

Connect with Molly Claire

Full Episode Transcript:

Molly Claire: Welcome to The Masterful Coach podcast with Molly Claire, where coaches learn skill mastery, business mastery, and Life Mastery at a whole new level. If you're ready to create a meaningful coaching business that makes a difference, you're in the right place; and now your host, master coach instructor, Molly Claire. Okay, so I'm so excited about this episode. As I was co-coordinating with everyone coming on today, I started wondering if this is going to be the most fun podcasts that I've ever done on this episode, because on this podcast, because I have these three amazing women here today who have a unique niche, and I feel like in a lot of ways, kind of have a bold message, which is really fun. So I'm really excited about this. Hello, Ashton, Ashlee and Amanda how are all of you? All: Hello. Amanda Louder: Good. Molly Claire: So today's episode, I wanted to highlight these coaches, because in all the coaches that I follow, there are a lot that stand out for different reasons, and all of these coaches have a pretty bold message. So Ashton is an intuitive eating coach, and she goes kind of against the grain of the dieting rules and says some really bold things about some dieting things that seem to be really good things. But actually, it's not the best thing for mental health. So I'm going to have you tell more about that in a minute, Ashton, but I'm obsessed with her posts. And, Ashlee, when we reached out to Ashlee about this, she said, I'm passionate about periods. When I heard that I just about fell out of my chair, because it's just she talks all about hormones and your menstrual cycle and just talks about those things that we don't really talk about, but so important. And Amanda is a sex coach, intimacy coach, I'm not sure what you would say, but what would you say Amanda?  Amanda Louder: Sure, sex couch. Molly Claire: Amanda is a sex coach, and specifically for Christian women and more specifically, mostly LDS women, and you talk about a lot of kind of sex in a more bold way than most people in those communities are used to, I would say, and I know I heard your episode about boudoir photography, which is just a little out there for your population. And I love it. So I'm just excited to talk with all of you and have all of my listeners get to know you amazing women. So I gave an overview, but I'm just going to go around Ashton, tell us a little bit more about what you do and why you do it? Ashton Barrett: So like you said, I am an intuitive eating coach, and I help women find healthy thoughts and behaviors as it relates to food and their body, helping them identify and reject the diet mentality, and to just have a healthier relationship with food and their bodies. And I do it because I think a lot of us can probably identify with this reason, but it's something that I struggled with personally, and that in and of itself was a very motivating reason for me to share my experience. Molly Claire: Well, I think as so many women I know I relate to this just kind of obsession about what am I eating, what's going in my body? What are the ingredients? What are the calories? And so I know for a while Ash in your profile picture on Instagram, was you eating a doughnut? Ashton Barrett: Yes, it was. It was me eating a doughnut, and I think for the exact reason that you said it just; I do like to be bold, and so it kind of goes against what mainstream diet culture might say is good for you. Molly Claire: Yeah. So really, as I know you speak to this having a doughnut or having something once in a while or in portions that are not going to be detrimental to you is really good for you in the sense of kind of that freedom. So love it. Okay, Ashlee, how about you and tell us? Ashlee Sorensen: Okay, so I am a menstrual and hormone coach. So I help women understand their hormones, the fluctuations of hormones, and really use their hormones to create a life that they love; because your hormones control everything that's happening in the body. When you understand what's happening in the body, then you can really take care of yourself in a whole new way. But we're not really taught the science of that or taught to really embrace our hormones. We're really taught to kind of fight against them; and I have endometriosis. So I have always had really painful periods, and now that I'm 41 and I'm kind of in that Peri-menopause stage, like hormones are again, like a huge thing and like it's a topic that women want to know about; [00:05:00] But nobody's talking about it, and so I love to provide that safe space for women to really have the discussion. Molly Claire: Well, and I think like you said, I think we're kind of taught like hormones and moods are a bad thing. So when you say use your hormones to create your best life, it's like, wait, what? I thought hormones were a problem, something I needed to control and maintain and kind of deal with, which is probably why we don't talk about it a lot. Ashlee Sorensen: Yes, there's so much negativity associated with our hormones, and we don't give any credit to our hormones for the good things about us or in our lives. So there's just so much negative connotation with it. But when you understand, I call it like your divine creation or your divine design; when you understand that, then you really can embrace it, and it's a lot of fun. Molly Claire: Oh, I love it. Love it. I'm so glad to have you here. Okay. Amanda, tell us about you. Amanda Louder: Yeah, so I grew up in a home where we didn't talk about sex, and sex kind of became this taboo thing in my life, where I thought that sexuality and spirituality didn't mix. And spirituality is really important to me. So the fact that they didn't mix for a very long time was really hard, and I really struggled in my first marriage for a long time with sex. I didn't like it, I hated it. I didn't have an orgasm for like 12 years. And so when our marriage was really, really struggling, and I was like, “Well, maybe if I get things better in the sexual department, then our marriage will get better.” And so I started learning about my body and learning about sex, I actually learned to love sex. But my marriage was still bad. So we ended up getting divorced anyway. But my second husband and I have created a wonderful sexual relationship. And so that's really what I love to do is help women see that sexuality and spirituality don't have to be separate, that they're actually very interconnected. And so I work mostly with members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but I have about a third of my clients are not, they're just somewhere in either the conservative Christian community or just women who tend to be more conservative in nature. And because I talk very boldly about sex and all things sex, but I also do it in a way that's very value based. So that's really appealing to a lot of my clients. Molly Claire: Yeah, I think that's what makes it really unique. I love it. I I grew up in a home where sex is talked about very openly. Amanda Louder: Good! Molly Claire: It is good, right? My kids, sometimes when I talk about it openly, they're like, “Mom, really?” And that's what I used to say to my mom. Really I don't want to hear this. But I realized what a benefit that was to me because I don't have those fears around it. But it's kind of a big deal. When like you said if sexuality and spirituality clash, and you have that spirituality, how do you have both, so I love it. And with what all of you women have said, I know my listeners can hear this, all of you are really here about empowering women and giving them freedom in their lives, and almost that sense of like feeling more capable of creating what they want in their life and a good relationship with themselves. So this is why I love all of you. I love this. Okay, thanks for sharing your personal stories as well; I think it makes such a difference when you have that personal aspect. So I'm wondering if you would share with me and you guys can just let me know who wants to go first on this, but has it ever felt uncomfortable or scary for you to lean into your niche or be bold or say any of these things out loud? I just love to hear from you. Either your experience of that or even like a specific situation where it came up and what it was like, tell us all about it. Ashlee Sorensen: I'll go first on that. Molly Claire: Yeah, I saw just on your Instagram the other day, it was like check your boobs and it has like, the boobs are right there. Ashlee Sorensen: Yes. So I knew that I wanted to coach on this topic, probably like three years ago. But I was really nervous to lean into that. Even though I knew it's what I wanted, and I knew I felt really strongly like it was what I was supposed to do. It's just kind of interesting how we're still like, ‘No, I don't think so.’ Because I did, I had a lot of fear of what like my friends would think, what my family would think… Molly Claire: Yeah, that's part of what I was wondering. For you, was it mostly the fear of what people would think? Was it fear of the niche not working? What were all the things that came up? [00:10:00] Ashlee Sorensen: Yes. All of the above; I heard from people very close to me, saying, ‘Are you sure that there's a market for that?’ Yeah. And so I was kind of like, if there was such thing as a menstrual coach when I was in junior high, my mom would have hired her on the spot, and so, I knew that there needed to be somebody there, and I felt like there's nobody better than me. Molly Claire: Oh, I love it. It's true. And of course, they're there. I think sometimes we think we need everyone to buy into whatever we're selling or whatever we're offering. But we actually don't! We need a very small amount of people who need what we're offering, right? Ashlee Sorensen: So true; because the two people that said, ‘Are you sure that there's a market for that?’ While my husband; love him, he's amazing. He doesn't have issues with this menstrual cycle, right? Not my ideal client. And then my 75 year old mother, again, not my client. But they can seem so loud. You want them to believe in you. And of course, my husband did follow up with, ‘if there's anybody that can make it work Ashlee, it’s you!’ But for me, it was just kind of like; I'm going to do this. I'm going to do or I'm going to at least play with it. So I kind of like, dabbled in it for a little bit. I would just get on Instagram and talk a little bit about my cycle, and maybe some things that I try to help my PMS or whatever. And that's what I was getting a response to, from the audience. People were wanting more of that. And then the people that were like, ‘What? Actually this is bizarre,’ they just unfollowed and I was like, great. I think like, go follow my personal account, if you want to hear all the joys in my life, if you want to know about this, stay here. Molly Claire: Yeah, I want to highlight some things because I think there are so many important things to notice here for coaches building their businesses. And one thing is, you said like, I knew it, right. I knew inside this is what I wanted to do. This is what I'm called to do, however you would say it. And yet we can question that based on what other people say, or listening to an expert or all of the fear that comes up. And I always say it's important to listen to experts and to take in knowledge and information. But at the end of the day, you have to check in with yourself. And I love that Ashlee that you say you just kind of almost tiptoed into it, like leaning into it a little bit. And so for all of you listening, if there are those things, and I know I experienced this too, where I was going down a path with my business, and I had my book written and I loved it, and I was getting all this traction. And I feel like I betrayed myself, honestly, because I listened to someone saying, ‘that niche isn't specific enough.’ And I ended up moving away from it, and that’s actually a decision I really regret in my business. So I don't want to stay Stuck in regret, right? So I see the value in it, and if anything, it's a really good lesson for me that I do need to always listen here. But yeah, I love that you just know that you felt it inside, and I hope all of the coaches listening can remember that because it's a big deal, right? Ashlee Sorensen: It's such a big deal. And I think that's when I wanted to get on Instagram. That's when I wanted to talk about coaching was when I was talking about hormones and periods. That's what I wanted to talk about. Molly Claire: And that's the thing too, is like your business has to light you up. I think it's got to have that like passion and that purpose behind it. So absolutely love it. Okay, who's next? Something bold; something scary, tell us. Amanda Louder: Yes, I'll go. So I actually this was not my niche when I started. When I started, it was more just women who were struggling in their marriage and contemplating divorce because I had just got divorced. I was noticing that a lot of women needed help with sex when I was coaching them. And I had done two episodes of my podcast that were more sexual in nature, and they were by far my most downloaded podcasts. And so I actually went on a girls’ trip with a bunch of other coaches, and by the end of the weekend, they were like, ‘Amanda, you have to change your niche to sex because we have learned more from you in a weekend than we have in 15,20 years of marriage.’ It was a little scary at first especially with my family background like my parents are not supportive of me. They weren't working of me being a life coach; [00:15:00] Let alone a sex coach. So like, it's funny, we will go like over for family dinner, and they'll go around the table and ask every single person like how work is going, how their life is going, and they skip over me. They don't even talk about it. And like about a year ago, my dad even pulled me into his office, like I was a teenager, he was like; ‘We need to have a talk.’ And was like, ‘I'm sure you're doing good in the world. But don't ever, ever, ever post about it on Facebook. It's embarrassing for me and your mother.’ And so like, there's not that support.  Even now, my husband was a little reluctant at first; he's very much an introvert. But he's super supportive. He doesn't want to get into the day to day details, but he's really supportive of my business at this point. Although, like, anytime we meet anybody new, they're like what do you do? And he goes, ‘Oh, no, here we go again,’ because he knows it's going to be like the entire topic of conversation. Molly Claire: Yeah. So I imagine that's been kind of hard not having your parents not just; not supportive, but almost like, telling you to kind of keep it small. Amanda Louder: Well, yes and no, I would love to have their support. But I know what I'm doing is the right thing. I feel very called to do this work. And so even though they aren't supportive of that, I know that it's the right thing for me. So it doesn't really matter to me. Molly Claire: Yeah, that's so powerful, to have that certainty in yourself no matter what. And what I think is so fascinating, as I'm asking you all this, when I first brought up the question of when it's been hard, you all started nodding your heads. And to be honest, when I wrote these questions, like thinking about this interview, I was like; I don't think it's been hard for any of them. They're so bold. It's so obvious that they're comfortable and competent in this niche. So it's so fascinating to hear and I think helpful for people also listening who maybe have felt some worries or insecurities. All right… Ashlee Sorensen: Sorry, Molly. I think it just gets easier, the more and more you talk about it. Like, to me, there's nothing to be ashamed about and this is how we were created to be like women are supposed to feel or be like men, or act like men. And so for me it like the more and more I started talking about it, the more and more I felt more comfortable, and I started talking about bigger things. And it just felt, I think that your audience appreciates that. They don't want you tiptoeing around you. Molly Claire: That’s right, that's exactly right. Yes. And I think also, Amanda, I know for you saying those episodes where you talked about sex were some of your most popular, I think that especially in that conservative community, it is something that they're craving, like understanding or talking about, because they don't have a place to do that. Amanda Louder: Yes. So everybody's afraid to Google things, because they're afraid of what they might come across. Google has a ton of stuff, and I've really rarely ever come across something that I really didn't want to see. But they want a trusted source that will give them the information without them having to delve into things that maybe they don't want to. Molly Claire: Okay, Ashton, Tell us. Aston Barrett: I love that you picked a good crew, because common threads, like so many of the things that they're saying I identify with. And for me, it was a very challenging shift in this niche, for a lot of reasons. But one in particular was I was a macro coach for six years. I build a business doing that. I did it with a couple of my really good friends, and so that transition came with a lot of what I say a lot of personal and professional costs. The community that I had kind of built my business around and this brand that I had built was built on obviously what I had done before and so making that transition. It was terrifying. Molly Claire: I know you have quite a few Instagram followers. That all started before you became an intuitive eating coach? Ashton Barrett: Yes, my business, my brand, my Instagram. Everything was built off of this initial niche of fat loss, weight loss and helping women with food and their body through tracking their macros. And so making that transition was terrifying, but I can't remember if it was Ashlee that said this, but that feeling of like this is my truth. [00:20:02] Almost like, this is what I feel called to do, and this is what I need to do. I feel like when I was at that point of deciding, do I do this? There was a part of me that was like; do I just shut it all down? Do I kind of put on display my transition? Because a lot of it was really personal; and so that was really challenging, and it ruffled a lot of feathers. Molly Claire: In terms of your business relationships or? Ashton Barrett: As far as business relationships, and even referring to my partners, they were so supportive. They were supportive, and I was so appreciative of that, and they're open to talking about this. So they wouldn't be uncomfortable with me sharing. But the progression of that shift happening, it's just so funny how it progresses, right? Because as I continue to transition, it got a little bit harder and harder, and you realize, oh, there are some things that we disagree on. There’s just no way to tiptoe around it anymore. And what was challenging was that this realization of, actually, we believe different things now and we approach things differently, and so that required a lot of processing and working through that. But it was really challenging. And I would be lying if I didn't acknowledge that, making that transition into that niche. It ruffled a lot of feathers, people didn't like it, I lost a lot of followers, a lot of me messages, and I had a lot of people who supported me, who led me through it and sent very encouraging messages. But I did it and follow through with it because of what Ashlee said, like, there's this like; what was I supposed to do? Because of fear of what other people thought, because it did go against the grain.  I know that Amanda said this too, like, people need this message. It isn't for everyone. And I know that my message might not be for everyone, and everyone might not agree with it, but I'm at peace with that. I'm not trying to convince everyone, I'm not trying to change everyone's mind. I speak to the group of people that need to hear it Molly Claire: That need you. And I would imagine when you switch that there were some followers that actually probably felt a huge sense of relief. And this sense of this is exactly what I need. I don't know if you heard any of that. But my guess is that that would be true. Ashton Barrett: Yeah, of course, that was true. Our brains want to focus on, like Ashlee said or Amanda, like the people that don't support you, or the people who won’t agree with you. So for a while, that's all that my brain was wanting to focus on because it wanted to feel safe. So it's like, where are the people that are disagreeing with me? But with time, I was able to see, actually, there's so many people that support and need this message. And so focusing on that was really helpful. Molly Claire: Yeah, because I do think it's so needed. I mean, I know just from reading your posts, just on Instagram, it's really helped me to kind of relax and let go of some ways that I've been pretty, I don't know, maybe a little, I don't know if I'd say perfectionist necessarily. But I'm just really having an intense relationship with food and what I'm putting in my body. And I think that in fact, I was reading through, I was doing this workbook this weekend on some things and kind of making some shifts in your life. And at the beginning, it talks about like, putting together a diet plan and so specific, and I'm like, I'm skipping me, these pages are not for me, this is not what I need. And so I think to your point, for some people, they may benefit from a different approach than yours for sure because they need something different. But for the people that need what you offer, it's a breath of fresh air, I think after probably a lot of years of internal torture. Ashton Barrett: I think that's what we're all trying to do, right? Like we're all trying to help our people find behaviors and thoughts and an approach to life that's going to be most helpful for them. Molly Claire: Yeah, totally. Okay, love it. This is so good. I'd love to know from each of you some of the biggest challenges for you in your business. [00:25:00] I know we talked a little bit about kind of the challenge of leaning into this niche, but this can kind of be anything really. I'll call on you. I feel like, I don't want to like micromanage you, but I'll call on you, Amanda, your first go ahead. Amanda Louder: This may sound funny, but the biggest challenge I have found is actually selling my program from a webinar. So as I'm trying to grow, I've probably done close to 40 webinars, and I have sold very little from a webinar. And what I'm finding because it's constantly tweaking and trying to figure out, what's going to work and what isn't, and I found that my people really need that one on one connection with me. And even if I'm offering it, like I'm saying all the right things, and it's all exactly what they want to hear and it's what the story is, it's going on in their head, and they're like, yes, I want to do this, they still won't make the commitment without connecting with me personally,  I found that most of my clients have been to probably six or seven of my webinars before they actually commit, and then most of them still sign up for a consultation with me, just to get that final confirmation that yes, I can help them with their story. Because like, once they come to the consultation, it's pretty much a guarantee that they're going to be the client. So that's what I have found has been the hardest for me. But because of the way that I've structured my business, I mean, I do group coaching, and then they move into a membership, when they're done with the 12 week intensive. I have time in my schedule, to do those consultations to get that one on one with them, and get them all moved in. And so I think that has been really key for my business. Molly Claire: I love that because I think especially in that space, it's so personal and kind of vulnerable. I think that's nice. And then for you just knowing, okay, the webinars serve a purpose, but maybe not that purpose. So you know where they fit in your business plan? Amanda Louder: Yes. Originally, my goal was like, okay, I want to stop doing consultations and just sell from the webinar. And after doing probably close to 40. Like, this is not working the way that I'd wanted. So let's tweak it and forget, and then it works wonderfully.  Molly Claire: Yeah. And I think over time, that can shift and change too. Because I know in my business and our partnership, likely we've leaned into let's try this one, like, okay, that didn't work yet. Or our business isn't at that point yet where this works. So yeah, it's kind of changed this as well love it. Alright, Ashton, what about you, challenging thing in your business and everything we just talked about? Ashton Barrett: I think I would say just the structure of it. I mean, from what I was doing before, we had a monthly membership. And so when I transitioned, allowed myself space to heal and then decided, okay, I do want to pursue this. I want to keep helping women with this. So I decided that and I said, “Where do I start?” I was so familiar with a membership that I said, “Let's do a membership.” It didn't do well. So I think figuring out the structure, like it's so fun to hear Amanda say this. I'm like, oh, that's so interesting. It's just navigating the structure of a complete new business. I find myself battling the way that I did things before in my old business with coming up with what is best for my business now and what do they need?  I coach one on one now, and that just seems to be what is working best right now. Maybe readdressing a membership in the future, but I think I'm just in this space where it's kind of like what my business is, like intuitive eating. I'm trying to be intuitive with my business. And I know that the Coaching Collective is about that, which is fun to be a fly on the wall for because being in tune with your ideal life and what works for you, I really had to shift into instead of thinking about what am I supposed to do? What's the structure that business can also look like? And instead thinking about what works best for me, like what's going to work best for the people that I'm working with and the place that they're in. And so that's probably been the biggest challenge for me is just like, what do I do now? [00:30:04] Molly Claire: Yeah, which really, I think the reality is just requires a little bit of space and experimentation. I love that like leaning into, how do I like to do business? How do I like to reach my clients? What do my people in their stage of life or with their challenges, what do they need? And so, I love, that we can both bring our intuition and our preferences, and leave a little bit of room for a lot of options, and also make space to try things out, figure it out as we go. Yeah. Love it. Okay, Ashlee, how about you? Ashlee Sorensen: I can agree with all of this, I guess because our niches require a lot of individual attention, I think. And because I also tried a group program, and I didn't sell it for very long, but it did not take me long to realize, my client’s needs individual attention. Because one woman may have had a hysterectomy, one woman may have gone through menopause, one woman may have an IUD. It’s like their cycles are so individual. And I wanted to be able to give them that individual attention. And not every woman is comfortable talking about her cycle or her situation in front of other women. And coming back to what Ashton said about intuitive business, I love the one on one coaching.  Molly Claire:  I think that's so important. Because everyone has a different way that they really prefer to coach and if you love the one to one, it's kind of a big deal to pay attention to that.  Ashlee Sorensen: For sure. And so I was thinking, why am I forcing this when it doesn't feel good for me and I don't even think that it's going to be that beneficial for the client? I think that they need the one on one coaching. So that's definitely been something that is very apparent to me over the past few months. I think also constraining my information, I have so much information in my head and I want to just give it all. It’s the things that are very, very basic, like the other day, the post that I did that you're talking about, about how to do a breast exam, a self-breast exam, that's very basic information. But that posted so well. Women need to be reminded of the basics, and the things that I just kind of think, oh, that's nothing. Everybody knows that, everybody knows how to track their cycle? No, those are the things that women need to hear and reminded of. So that's also been something that I've had to really remind myself of, and come back to. Molly Claire: Yeah, I love hearing from all of you how you're kind of using your own way that you like doing things and of like the individual, or how you really like to connect with people. I know, just for me, what's been fun over time in my business, and my joint business, too, is how it continues to evolve as well. And sometimes in my business, there have been ways where I've had some ways of doing group stuff while also having the individual component. And so I just love that there are a lot of different ways that you can bring it up together.  Ashlee Sorensen: I will say that I love to teach. And so I will often have a class or a MasterClass, a course, mini course, whatever you want to call it. And when I offer the course, I always offer a mini session included in the price of the course that you can sign up after you take the course so that we can talk about how to implement because anybody can consume information. Molly Claire: Yeah, I learned it’s such a smart idea.  Ashlee Sorensen: What do you do with that information? How does this apply to me? My cycles are all over the place, or I've already gone through menopause or whatever it may be. And so then that gives me an opportunity to have that one on one to give that one on one attention to the woman and show her how she really can use this information because I don't want to just be a talking head, I want them to be able to use this information. Molly Claire: Yeah, I love it. See why I picked all of you ladies. You’re just so good. I love it. Okay, so I want to ask you one more question. And then of course, I want everyone to know where they can find you. But I would love to hear from each of you kind of what your vision is for your business or even just what's next for your business. So Ashton, I'm going to pick on you first. [00:35:02] Ashton Barrett: Hey, my vision for my business. This is so funny because when you told us the questions, this is probably the one that I actually struggled with the most was my vision for my business, because I think I'm still in this phase of, it's still relatively new and figuring out what do I want for this business. What I do know is that it is driven by wanting to empower women like what you said in the beginning. I am so motivated by that, by helping women get out of the mud of crappy relationships with their body and with food because this ties back to what we kind of alluded to before. It's what Ashlee alluded to before, which is we've kind of become the experts in this niche, and we forget, women want the basics with this stuff, because they're where we used to be, they're so consumed with, in my niche consumed with thoughts about their body, body and food, fixation, what's the right way? What do I eat? How do I change my body, I need to look better, I need to be smaller, I need to lose more weight, oh, my cellulite, my arms, my it's never ending, and it's consuming.  When you're in it, it's hard to see a way out. And so I'm so motivated by being the person that can just provide even a little bit of objectivity, and hope and perspective that it doesn't have to be this way, your relationship with food and your body doesn't have to suck, it can be better. And there is a different way to view it and to think about it. So right now, when I think about the vision for my business, I feel like as long as I stay aligned with that, and in tune with that, that things will fall into place as they should and then I'll be guided to, like the best way to structure my business but having them for it being the motivator for the vision. Molly Claire: Yeah, I love that, because we might think, oh, well, Molly wants to know, like, okay, what are all the details? Or what exactly is everything going to look like? What's my plan? But I love that you're just driven by that passion. I agree, when you stay aligned with that, and you just keep moving forward, I think it can unfold into what it needs to be. And just for what it's worth, I mean, I know that it's been really scary for you to step into this niche, but you are giving a gift to so many women. Like I say, I mean, I know for me, it's been so helpful. And I can't tell you how many people I've told to go, go check out your Instagram. I'm like, that thing, it's exactly what you need. Go follow her immediately. So all right, how about you, Amanda, tell us about your vision. Amanda Louder: Yeah, this is not my first business. I actually majored in entrepreneurship in college. So I love being able to structure businesses in a way that serves me and serves my family. And when it's not doing that, then it's not working. And so right now, what is working is exactly what I'm just going to keep on doing because I think it's providing my clients what they need, and it's providing me what I want and need from it. I'm making enough money that I'm really happy with what that's doing. I still have plenty of time for my family and friends and myself, which I think is so important. I know you talk about it a lot, finding that balance.  I structure my business, so I have very strict hours. And work while my kids are at school, and then I have one night a week that I work while they're at a church activity. But other than that, like I am free to be open for my family, my kids after school and on the weekends. I have a daughter who plays three sports. And she keeps us really, really busy. And before I started this business, my husband and I had a business together. And it was so intense, and he would work all day and then we would work like every evening and every weekend. And we didn't get to play a lot. I was like I'm going to start this business so that I can do it during the day. And that way we can have our time with our kids in the afternoon and weekends. And my husband I love to fish and so eventually we're going to buy a cabin up in mountains and we can fish but I can still coach at the same time because I'll have internet. As long as I can have the life that I want, then I'm going to keep my business exactly as it is. Molly Claire: Yes. Oh my gosh, I love it. That’s what I always say you want to create, figure out what you want your life to be and then make sure your business supports that life and not the other way around?  [00:40:05] Yeah. Love it. How about you, Ashlee? Ashlee Sorensen: I just want to continue talking about periods. It's not asking too much? No, but I do, I want to just keep the discussion going and keep it open, and provide that space for women, where they know that they can come to my Instagram and learn. They can learn basics, they can learn more advanced, they can know that they're not alone in it, and they can really, really come into the knowing that their hormones aren't a problem, that everything is right about them, and their hormones are really their superpowers. So a little cheesy, but it's true. Molly Claire: I love it. Because I think as women, we have so many negative thoughts about it. Ashlee Sorensen: It's so true. I've even built my business around my hormones, you guys. I literally let my hormones guide how I run my business, because there are natural times in our cycle where we are going to feel more introverted. That’s when I do the behind the scenes parts of my business, there's other like, when you're ovulating, that's when you're more extroverted. So that's when I do podcasts when I get on Instagram all the time, because I feel that. And that's what I mean, I'm not like working against and not forcing myself to do anything.  Molly Claire: Yeah. And you know what, I just want to highlight this, because I know I feel like as coaches, because we do so much cognitive work, that sometimes we fight against ourselves in that way, rather than working with your flow, not flow in that sense. Like working with all that is you to be effective. Why not do that instead of just think, oh, I just need to think differently about this. And like power through or fight against it? No, not at all.  Ashlee Sorensen: 100%. I mean, we're all familiar with the model. I think the model is just missing one little thing, and that's hormones. Because hormones are going to trump the model every day of the week. Molly Claire: So awesome. Well, you all are so inspiring. Thanks for being here, because I'm guarantee that my listeners feel a little bit inspired, if not a lot inspired. And you guys are just all really good examples. I think of leaning into what feels powerful and true for you and purposeful. And I just think there's a lot of power in that. So thank you so much for being here. And I do want to go around so that everyone can I make sure everyone knows where to find you. Amanda, where can people find you? Amanda Louder: Yeah, I'm on Instagram and Facebook at Amanda Louder Coaching. My podcast is called Sex For Saints. And my website is  Molly Claire: Awesome. Love it. Ashlee, how about you? Ashlee Sorensen: So I am at Ashlee Sorensen Coaching on Instagram. That's where I share all the good stuff. And then I do have a podcast called A Bit Better Every Day. And I do have a MasterClass coming up next month, all about hormones and exercise. So to learn more about that you can check it out on Instagram. Molly Claire: Awesome. Love it. Ashton, how about you? Ashton Barrett: You can find me on Instagram at That Ashton Barrett. And that's all I'll give you because that's where I live.  Molly Claire: Awesome. All right. Well, thanks so much, ladies for being here. I really appreciate it.  Ashlee Sorensen: Thank you.  Amanda Louder: Awesome Ashton Barrett: Been great. Molly Claire: Bye, everyone. Thanks for listening to the Masterful Coach Podcast. You can check out for info about the ultimate program for coaches building a business. To find out more about Molly, you can visit