Bonus Episode: Why Moms Won't Pay for Coaching
Mar 17, 2023
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It can be argued that moms are the most difficult to convince that they need–and deserve– personal coaching. They are, perhaps, the most wired to set aside their own needs and focus on others. As a whole, moms find it very difficult to invest time, money, and energy into prioritizing themselves.
As we tackle this reality together, I want to examine three issues that might be barriers to new clients signing up with you. In considering each of them, I hope some insights emerge, enabling you to connect on a more personal level with potential clients. By knowing why moms won’t pay for coaching, you can better market your ability to help them… and help them say yes.
“These women you’re talking to – struggling with motherhood and life and their relationships and all the things – they don’t really believe that something different is possible… [or] how much better and more expanded their life could be.” – Molly Claire
What You’ll Learn
- Two complementary buckets of skill mastery
- Issue #1: Dissolving the fraud complex barrier
- Issue #2: Dismantling coach speak
- Issue #3: Discovering different is possible
Contact Info and Recommended Resources
- Mom Coach Webinar with Molly (it’s FREE!): Monday, March 20, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. (Central Time). Join me for this one hour workshop style webinar specifically for coaches working with moms in any capacity. I’ll be teaching you 3 Essential Skills to effectively coach moms and convert paying clients. Sign up NOW:
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- FREE 30-Days of Coaching Mastery Skill Tips from Molly at Instagram | Molly Claire Coaching IG
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Full Episode Transcript:
Welcome to the Masterful Coach Podcast with Molly Claire, where coaches learn sill mastery, business mastery, and life mastery at a whole new level. If you are serious about creating a meaningful coaching business that makes a difference, you are in the right place. And now your host, master Life and business coach, Molly Claire.
Hey coach, how about a bonus episode this week? This short and sweet episode is totally focused on the reasons your clients struggle to actually say yes to coaching with you. And specifically, I'm speaking to those of you with a mom niche. So if you work with moms on work-life balance, you work with overwhelmed, frustrated, stay-at-home moms, anyone in this mom's space, and if you've ever had the thought, "These moms just won't pay for coaching. They don't know how to prioritize themselves. How can I convert them?" This episode is for you.
Now, I'm dropping this in the midst of this month that is totally focused on coaching skill mastery on the podcast, and on my instagram, and this is why. So, as you start your coaching business, there are of course many skills that you're learning, but I think it's useful to think about the skills in two basic buckets. One is your skills in actual coaching, how you're able to deliver for your clients, your competency. And the other bucket includes business, marketing, sales, all of that.
So I think it's useful to think about these two buckets of skill mastery and all things business and marketing as very separate and distinct things that you need to learn and understand, and also very related.
In today's episode, you're going to notice that the obstacles or the things that keep your clients from saying yes are also the key issues you work on with them in coaching them. And so think about this, if one of the things that you help your clients do is learn to prioritize themselves, doesn't it make sense that they would struggle to prioritize themselves to begin with by saying yes to a coaching relationship?
So if you relate to this in any way, don't worry. It's not doomsday. And there are ways that you can effectively truly start that work with your client in the marketing and sales process, and those are the dots I wanna help you connect today in this episode.
Now this episode is really kind of a glimpse into what I will be going into in more depth on Monday's webinar. So if you're not yet registered, and this is a topic that is, sounds very useful to you, go to today - you can do it right now, before you finish this episode - And you will find there a link to sign up for Three Essential Skills You Need To Coach Moms and Convert Paying Clients.
And so some of the things that I'm talking about in today's episode. I'm going to expand more on in that webinar. It's a full hour. It is interactive. I'm gonna take your questions and I really want to help you because if you followed me for any amount of time, you know I believe coaching moms matters. I believe that we need to make more space to help women to really be empowered, to be strong, to have permission, to be who they are and to live their best possible life.
I believe women have such an impact in the world, and so thank you. Thank you to those of you who work with women, who work with moms, and thank you. And you will find that link in the show notes as well. You can go to Also, if you just go to, scroll down a little, it will pop right up. It's a free training Monday the 20th, one hour. Amazing content. You don't wanna miss it.
All right, let's talk about you for a minute. So as a coach, I want you to think about the times and ways in which you find yourself feeling a little bit like a fraud, maybe. Wondering if your clients knew what your life looked like on a daily basis, would they really hire you? Is it okay that I don't have everything figured out and I'm telling my client that I can help them transform their life?
And now, those of you that are also a mom, I want you to think for a minute about the ways you may feel like a fraud in your own personal life. As a mom, 'I should be better at this. I shouldn't be yelling at my kids. I should have figured this out. Everyone does this. Surely I shouldn't be so bad at something that I'm meant to do.' And I want you to all think about any other flavor or version of fraud that may come up for you in your life. Now, I wanna translate this to your clients.
So specifically, if you work with moms in any capacity, they will have these same thoughts of fraud for them in their life. 'I should be better at this. I should have figured this out. I shouldn't need help with this.' Now we would think, that if we're struggling, it would make sense that we would reach out for help. But the truth is that oftentimes this sense of fraud and insecurity that women feel as a mom can prevent them from signing up for coaching.
And I'm gonna talk more about about the solution for this, and especially in that webinar on Monday. But right now I just want you to think about this idea that perhaps. That is one of the barriers to them signing up with you. But it doesn't have to be a barrier. Let's be clear on that. Because I know we all think if someone doesn't sign up with us, we always think it's us and we're not doing a good job and this business isn't gonna work. We come up with all of that nonsense in our mind. But actually, there are valid reasons why your clients are not signing up and we just have to solve for them.
All right, let's talk about a second key issue as to why your clients are not signing up with you. So I think one of the biggest challenges that we create for ourselves as coaches is surrounding ourselves by coaches, practicing on other coaches, and we start to have this language that's all our own. We start to have, we call it like, coach speak. And the problem with this is that when you are marketing to your clients, who are not coaches at all, they have no idea what you are talking about.
And so it's like our client is speaking one language - they're expressing their needs and challenges in one way - and we are talking about it in a completely different way. So there is a huge disconnect. And so one of the reasons that your clients, if you're serving moms and they're not coaches at all, they're not in this world, you are probably missing the boat on saying the words that they need to hear because they just don't know. So this is really the key point number two here. Your clients may struggle to sign up for coaching because they don't know what it is. They don't understand how it can help them.
I'll give you a great example of really practical, easy, tangible examples. So my husband sells on Amazon, and he was working with a client that he was helping with her product. And she had a product where she sold bee pollen for pets and it helped with allergies. A lot of people don't know this. They're not familiar with it. And so she can market this bee pollen for pets. But if I'm looking for an allergy solution for my pet, I'm not gonna be looking for bee pollen, right? I'm gonna be looking for allergy pills for pets.
This is a very practical example of showing that for this Amazon seller, there was an education component that needed to happen. So rather than just marketing and talking about bee pollen for pet, she actually needed to educate people a little bit and speak to this idea of an allergy pill to bring people in. And so this point number two here is remembering and thinking about where is my client's level of understanding when it comes to what coaching is? There's likely an education component that has to happen in the selling and converting process.
All right, key point number three that we're gonna talk about, and I know this is all just a teaser, but good things to talk about and I look forward to exploring more of it with you next week. But this third point is that your clients, these women you're talking to struggling with motherhood and life and their relationships and all the things, they don't really believe that something different is possible.
Think for a minute. I don't know how long you know each of you have been in the coaching world, but if you can think back to a time when you didn't really see, at least to the degree that you do now, that your life could really be better. You could have more openness, you could have more possibility, you could create the income that you want, the space that you want in your life. All those possibilities that you now see as available, even though sometimes they may still seem somewhat out of reach, do you remember a time when you didn't really even know any of that exist? This is the case for your clients.
If I'm talking with a potential client and she's a stay-at-home mom who is like struggling with the day in and day out, she doesn't really believe that things can be that much better. Now, she might think there's a lot of things wrong with her and the way she's doing things and she needs to fix herself, and she needs to do all these things on the checklist just to be not so much in a state of survival. But I'm not sure that the average client, soon-to-be client that you're talking to, really has an understanding of how much better and more expanded their life can be.
So as I close up this episode, think about these three things and how they may be impact your ability to convert your client, to sell your client, and how they're impacting your client's ability to say, yes, I want this.
Is your client experiencing some level a feeling like a fraud? How can you help them with that? Does your client have a knowledge gap or an understanding gap where they need some education about what this is? How do you bring that into your messaging and marketing and the sales process? And does your client not really yet know or understand that something more is possible? How do you bring that in to the sales and conversion process?
Coach, thank you for being here with me. I hope this has given you some great things to think about. I cannot wait to be with you on Monday's webinar, so I'll see you then and of course, I look forward to next week's podcast episode with you. I'll talk to you then.
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