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masterful coach



Captivate the Room with Your Voice: An Interview with Tracy Goodwin

podcast Dec 15, 2021

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A voice coach is not just so you can sing more beautifully or speak more eloquently. There is an entire psychology behind how you speak and the underlying signals you’re giving off. Professional voice coach, Tracy Goodwin, has developed Psychology of the Voice® – she can tell you the subconscious signals you are broadcasting with your voice. It flows from the reality that we get impressions about people, regardless of the words they are using. In this episode, Tracy and I dive into how this works and how you can retrain your voice to be the truly valuable asset it is. You can correct impressions that give others the wrong vibe of who you are and mend misinterpretations of your intentions. To demonstrate how this all works, I put myself into a vulnerable position during this episode. Tracy graciously agreed to evaluate my voice on the fly and share the insights she sees. You won’t want to miss a moment!

What You’ll Learn 

  • Psychology of the Voice®  
    • The tiniest sound can make all the difference
    • Being truly understood
    • Unlayering yourself
  • Impact of having a voice coach
    • Leveling up
    • Increase genuine connections
  • The why  
    • Dealing with imposter syndrome
    • The reluctant voice coach
  • Evaluating Molly’s voice  
    • Vulnerability of voice
    • Analyzing nerves: the peacekeeper; the remnant of muscle memory
    • Sound that splits; subconscious withholding
    • The psychology of “it’s okay to have what I want”
    • Voice patterns: exploring the core driver and who it’s serving
    • Inside and outside work
    • Are you hiding behind a mask or is that really you?
  • Revealing Authenticity  
    • Rolling in all the shades of you
    • Identifying and removing voice masks
  • What does it take to Captivate the Room?
    • Create unpredictability
    • Show me the true you
    • Connect with, understand and serve and others

Connect with Tracy Goodwin

Meet Tracy: I was raised in a family where children were to be seen and not heard. I started winning speaking awards when I was 12 years old. It was the one platform to use my voice and I thrived in that space. I went on to be an award-winning actor and director. In my freshman year of college as I was studying acting, I had a horrific event happen on stage and in an instant, my voice changed. It was that moment that set the real stage for the work I do today, Psychology of the Voice®. Over the last 30 years, I’ve had the honor of transforming the lives of hundreds of executives, business professionals, celebrities and 7-figure entrepreneurs simply by shifting sounds that are sending the wrong message out of their voice. The most fascinating thing, none of them realized they needed me but when I go to work on your voice I tell you exactly what sounds are not revealing the best version of you AND how they are being processed subconsciously by the listener. The Psychology of the Voice® transforms your voice and your life, because we go after the drivers that are in your mind and the stories that they are telling because it’s those drivers, that psychology that has put your bad voice habits into place. We have to eradicate both for you to have true transformation and results that stick.

Connect with Molly Claire

Full Episode Transcript:

Molly Claire: Welcome to the Masterful Coach Podcast with Molly Claire, where coaches learn Skill Mastery, Business Mastery, and Life Mastery at a whole new level. If you're ready to create a meaningful coaching business that makes a difference, you're in the right place. And now your host, master coach, instructor, Molly, Claire. Okay, today's episode is a little different. And I'm so excited to have you here. Tracy Goodwin is here. Hello, Tracy. Tracy Goodwin: Hey, I'm so glad to be here with you. Thanks for having me. Molly Claire: Yeah, this is so exciting. Tracy and I met at the Fearless Business Workshop last month. And I heard amazing things about Tracy and what she does with people with their voices in a really interesting and different way. Today, I'm going to be sharing with you, or actually having Tracy share with you what she does exactly, we're going to talk about it and I'm going to be a little vulnerable to because she's going to listen to my voice on the fly. And you get to find out some things about me from Tracy right here. So let's do it. So Tracy, tell my audience more about what it is you do exactly. Tracy Goodwin: So in a short form, I coach voices. But a lot of times when we think coach voices or voice coach, we think, Oh, you're going to teach me to sing, or you're going to teach me to articulate better. And all of that is true. But that is not what I do. What I do is a unique methodology that I call psychology of the voice. I literally tell people what is going on in their head, and how it is creating voice habits that are not working for them. And then I tell them how those microscopic sounds are being processed in the subconscious of their listener. I'm working with voices, but from a subconscious level to get people to the next level of success. Molly Claire: I mean, I love it. It's so interesting because we all know we get impressions from people when we listen to them, right? And so this is kind of cluing us in to why that is what it is we're hearing. Tracy Goodwin: Yes, and really, I think the voice is the most under-utilized. And most valuable asset we have. Science has now come in and I'm a big researcher, and I'm a big data person, Molly, and science has now come in and said, “Okay, we determine who you are based on what we hear in your voice.” And what I find in my work is far too often people are being misrepresented. They're putting a voice out that isn't really who they are. And people are making decisions and not realizing, oh, that's the coach to help me because that coach is being something other than who they really are, or their sounds in their voice that are being misinterpreted. So it's something that people don't think about, but it's so valuable. Molly Claire: Yeah. So it's not like when someone's talking. It's not like, oh; we're hearing what's really going on behind the scenes. But sometimes we're actually not hearing it. We're maybe making a negative judgment possibly about someone when really that's just because they're not really being authentic. Tracy Goodwin: Definitely the authentic piece for sure. The sounds are microscopic. I mean, somebody told me, a client one time told me, you work in sounds the size of a grain of sand, Tracy. And I said, but have you ever gotten a grain of sand in your eye? And it's all going down subconsciously. So yes, it's about authenticity, or connection or being something you're not. Or here's where it gets really even more heartbreaking. I am being misinterpreted with the wrong intention or the wrong message. And I can give you an example of that. Let me say somebody is hard core, I have to get the words right. And they're thinking about the words and they're going to then automatically have a hesitation in their voice. And your subconscious can process that as, does she even know what she's talking about.  Molly Claire: Absolutely. I can see that that we misinterpret all the time. I know well, anyone who's in in a close relationship knows what that's like, right? At times my husband and I totally misunderstand and not just misunderstand but misinterpret intentions, because of stuff like that. Tracy Goodwin: Yeah. And I mean, there's the obvious ones like, certain tone, raw emotion or something is extreme is passive aggressive. Those we call consciously recognize. [00:05:01] I like to get in there and work with the ones that are being assessed subconsciously. But really, and truly, part of the magic of the work is in the confidence and the inner freedom in the person I'm working with, to finally be able to show up is who they really are because I find people aren't. Molly Claire: Yes. Oh, I love it. What came to me as you were saying that is I love this idea of people really being able to be seen and understood for who they really are? We all want that, right? We really all want to be understood. And you in a sense, are helping people to be understood in a real way. Tracy Goodwin: That's it. That is one of if not the favorite things for me about the work. I call it getting people back to one. I believe that we were all born with this -- I mean, watch children. Right? They’re loud, and they're quiet. And they're this and they're that. Give me a 40 year old that does that. They work on one note. So it's really an unlearning process because what we have done in our lifetime is listen, I don't mean this as a negative, but we've listened to the world, tell us what we need to be. And we've buried who we really are. And that, to me is what the work is about is showing up as who you really are. And the data is stunning right now. That is what people are seeking. I need to connect with you. I need to know who you are. Molly Claire: Oh, this is so exciting. I was a little nervous about being vulnerable and having you evaluate me, but I'm feeling more excited now.  Tracy Goodwin: Oh good.  Molly Claire: Yeah. Good. That's good. That's progress. So one thing I want to ask you too, so obviously, this is fascinating. And we've talked about why it's so valuable. What do you see, in a practical sense, with your clients, maybe that you're working with in their business, and how this impacts them? Tracy Goodwin: I can make one statement and say, next level, it takes them to the next level. For everybody that's a little different, it could be next level in money. Because that's a place where a lot of voice, things that are problematic come out when I asked you to buy something from me. So it can be in leveling up money, it can be in increasing following, it can be in I'm finally getting visible. I love it when that person that has wanted to do the podcast, or wanted to show up on video, now they have the tools to do that. And for many people, it's literally confidence and inner freedom, like I've mentioned, just that I am not worried about what you are thinking about me. Molly Claire: Yeah, I bet. And I would imagine that it have a lot more genuine connections and the people that are coming to them. Tracy Goodwin: Oh, definitely.  Molly Claire: Yeah. So awesome. So one thing I want to ask you too, and then we're going to do a little evaluating of my voice. Why is it that you do this? What is it that drew you to this because I can tell that you love what you do? You're passionate about it? Tell us a little bit.  Tracy Goodwin: This is a great question. I'm going to go the opposite direction of what you may think, I ran from this work. And for anybody that is struggling with any kind of imposter syndrome or purpose, how could this be my purpose? I was actually raised in a family, which was generational at that time where children were to be seen and not heard. I was basically not allowed to speak. So the irony that my purpose was to be a voice coach. I started speaking at a young age, I could hear voices, I can hear layers in people's voices. I had this knack for it, but in my mind, there was no way that was my purpose. I was literally Jonah in the belly of the whale. I became an actor. I became a director. People kept finding me to coach their voices. And finally, one day, I just relented and I said, “Okay, I get it.” And the rest is history. And I love it. Molly Claire: It's like, this is always supposed to be. This is in you, right? It's this gift that you have and have the potential to be squashed, but it wasn't who you are.  Tracy Goodwin: No, and in retrospect, I can look back and I can say, okay, that upbringing helped me much surmise this gift.  [00:10:00] Molly Claire: Yeah, I can see that.  Tracy Goodwin: It wasn't a negative. Molly Claire: Yeah. 100%. So fascinating. Tracy Goodwin: Yeah, we really do all have a purpose and a gift. And sometimes it makes zero sense like in my story, but I can't imagine doing anything else. And what I've been able to create with this gift, the research that I've been able to do and the impact that I've been able to make on people's lives, it lights me up, you are right. Molly Claire: I love it. I want to just highlight this, because I'm such a believer with all of my clients on helping them lean into their gifts and be uniquely them. Because coaches seem to be a dime a dozen now, and where do I fit? And who are my people? And do I or does my work really matter? And it does. I think when we can really open up to understanding and seeing what it is that we are uniquely gifted at and lean into it, that's when the magic happens. That's when you find your people, that's when you make the difference. Tracy Goodwin: It is so, so, so true. What you just said. And we have to really get comfortable in the uncomfortable of our own uniqueness. I went through the same thing, I taught technical voice coaching, speak louder, do the thing and it ate me alive because I knew there was something different, I could hear things differently. And so we have to get really okay. I think a big part of it is judgment. And there's a lot of judgment around voice, that is one of the biggest things I deal with. And we have to really bring the tentacles back in and go, “Okay, I'm going all in on these seven layers of sounds I can hear and people's voices. And if they think I'm crazy. Well,  I'm good with that.” Molly Claire: Yeah, you know what I love about that too, is that from the outside, it may seem like doing basically the same thing. Voice coaching by guiding in this other way, but for you that difference and the way you could use your gift mattered. And so it wasn't the same and I like to say it was eating you alive. I think this is so true. Of my coaches who are out of alignment in their business, they're not quite leaning into it and it seems so similar, but it's not at all. Tracy Goodwin: You all have a uniqueness. Sure. Typical voice coaching that's a part of my thing here, but there is a nuance and getting comfortable and the risk. Talking about vulnerability, you said vulnerability earlier. You got it. Tell people you hear voices. What do you do for a living? I hear voices. Okay, get comfortable with it. It is your kryptonite. Make it work for you. Molly Claire: Yeah. Oh, I love it. I'm excited to have you tell me a little bit about my voice. I have to mention Tracy and I were just talking about this when we met. I was with Aimee Gianni my sister and people think that we sound alike. Our parents would mistake us when we would call and not know who it was. And to Tracy our voices sound completely different. But I can see why? Because she and I are we're very different. We certainly have some similarities. But we always say we're exactly the same and we're completely opposite at the same time. And it's like that's what you could hear. Tracy Goodwin: Yeah, totally different in my ear. Okay, so let's just set this up a little bit. I'm going to tap into my listening ear. And the first thing I want to say is nothing is bad. I do not believe in bad. Well, I mean, there's bad in the world. Sure. But I don't believe in bad voices. There are voices and there are voices that perhaps we can add more layers to or make even better. I learned a long time ago that part of this gift meant I had to shoot straight. It does not serve you for me not to. Molly Claire: Right. Even for my coaches listening, this is so similar to what we do, right? Because Tracy, you have to go into this place where you're listening. You're not always in that mode. It's the same thing for me as a coach. I'm not thinking about what's going on in people's minds and emotions all the time when I'm talking to them unless I'm coaching, right? So there's that we go into, and we have to be honest, right? We have to be clear and true about what we hear and what's happening. [00:15:00] Tracy Goodwin: Absolutely and it really becomes about where am I working from? Am I working from a place of takedown? Or am I working from a place of I am your greatest champion. Now listen to this, this is super cool if we roll this in. What I'm going to do, and I don't, I couldn't walk around listening. I couldn't do that all the time, right? I mean, that would be exhausting. So I'm going to just have you talk for a little bit, I've already got some thoughts. And when I work with people, I work off of sounds, I work off of microscopic sounds, I can hear what I want to hear. And I can hear what I hear. And I can hear all the way down to the heart.  I ask a lot of questions, because I'm chasing patterns based on sounds I hear. I already know I have some questions with you. I want you to just talk for a minute, I'm going to be listening and making some notes. And the thing that you said about vulnerability, I want people to put this in the perspective of vulnerability and voice is, are you letting me in? Or are you keeping me out? It's not about the deep, dark details about your life. Are you inviting me in? And that softens the edge on it a little bit, too? I think. It's, it's a good thing being vulnerable, right? Okay. So let me get my zone. Tell me about your work. Tell me about how long you've been doing your work and what you love about it. Molly Claire: I already felt myself getting a little nervous when you asked full disclosure. So I started coaching in 2014. And what I love about my work, one of the things that I was speaking to earlier about is that uniqueness that you have, and something that I've come to discover about myself is that, part of my what I call unique genius, is leading liberation in my clients. And so what I do at a surface level is I help my clients build their businesses, overcome fears, overcome limiting beliefs. What I love to do is really empower my clients to believe that they can create and be whatever it is that they want. I think for me, there are different niches that I've done, different people that I've worked with different things I've done, but at the core of all of it, it is leaving that liberation, for them to be themselves and not be stuck, not be limited by what anyone thinks around them. So that's a little about what I do. Tracy Goodwin: Okay, awesome. Now, why did you get nervous? Molly Claire: I don't know because I'm nervous even now as I'm saying that. I think there's that part of me and my brain, that if I were telling you all of that, and I didn't think that you were analyzing me, it would feel more authentic and purposeful to me, if that makes sense. Whereas as I was telling you, I was saying all the things, but what I was feeling inside was a little bit of nervousness, like, what is she thinking? And I don't really feel that way when I tell people what I do, because I love what I do.  Tracy Goodwin: Sure. So I'm going to start with that right there because that's valuable for your audience. I have a lot of people, they'll say, “Well, if I'm there, I do this. And if I'm there, I do that.” But my students are like, “What are you going to do today?” I like people to be blindsided because the world blindsides us. The fact that you got a little nervous in this moment, because I was analyzing you is so valuable. Does that alter who you really are in any way? And it can be microscopic. Remember, I'm working in microscopic sounds. Is that a bad thing? No, nothing's bad. But that's something to look at. Okay. Why? Is this what she thinking? That is a microscopic remnant of a possible peacekeeper, which is on my list. And I want to say something else real quick. I have a lot of people that they've done a lot of inner work and which is great. There are two components to this. There is the inside job and what was left behind in the muscle memory. I could say to you, I hear Peacekeeper and you could say, well, I'm not that anymore. Okay, so that was a microscopic bit whether there was a remnant left in your muscle memory. [00:20:07] Molly Claire: It doesn’t surprise me. I have done a lot of work on it.  Tracy Goodwin: Yeah, it's a big one. It's huge. That's the number one mask I see women especially wear. I see it in men, but they tend to gravitate more to needing to prove. I heard a little bit of peacekeeping. I think I even asked you this when I met you, and this is a crazy question. Does it feel like your sound is stuck in the back of your throat when you talk? Molly Claire: I don't think so. Tracy Goodwin: I think I asked you that. Molly Claire: I'm not even sure that I understand what the question means. If that makes sense. It doesn't seem that way to me. Tracy Goodwin: Okay. Do you grind your teeth?  Molly Claire: I do.  Tracy Goodwin: Okay, there it is. So what I'm listening for in that is – and this sounds absolutely insane. It sounds like your sound is splitting and not wanting to flow straight out of your mouth. It is, but your subconscious is trying to keep it from flowing out. Subconscious is laid all this in. Before you were five, some teacher said something, or somebody said something and your subconscious went, don't worry, I've got this. And in that instant, a voice habit was created. You have a higher pitched voice. I think that's who you really are. I don't feel like that is a put on, on any level. I have had that happen before where people weren't going to be nicer. They have a really extreme of I got to be nice, very common. Okay, that is your real voice. And it's great. And you are owning that real voice. But there is some kind of hitch and I think it's in this jaw. I feel like there's another layer of playing bigger. It’s not an intentional thing, it's almost like your jaw is grabbing and not letting it go. Molly Claire: Yeah. I mean, it makes sense to me, just because obviously, I have and do a lot of internal work. And it's like I notice sometimes in some ways in my life, I appear and seem very assertive, like, I'm going to stand up for myself, I'm going to take care of things. But there's this part of me behind that says, but you're not really allowed to do that. Even I experienced that, where inside I feel like I'm a little too afraid. There’s a part of me that doesn't really believe it's okay for me to have what I want, or have needs or wants. I even experienced that. I don't know if it's the same thing, but that's what came up for me when you mentioned it. Tracy Goodwin: It's 100% the same thing. That's your driver. That's your driver and your voice stories. I call them voice stories. That tapes, I guess the mp3, whatever they tapes are running in your head that are holding a voice habit in place. And that is so common. The one that you just mentioned, I deal with it every day. I don't want to get in trouble is a big one for my people. That's where it comes from. And it goes all the way back to who knows? Probably before you were five, it could have been for three months ago. But generally, it is because that one phrase, and your subconscious went, don't worry, I've got this and probably started locking your job down so that you would not be too much, to draw a line in the sand because people might not like that. Molly Claire: Yeah. So, this is so interesting because I've been working with a tapping expert who is amazing. And been really working on a lot of this, being willing to have a voice being okay with having needs and I would imagine that that's probably naturally already made some adjustments in my voice too. Tracy Goodwin: Yeah. What we have to do with those voice stories. I can give you a technique. I could say, okay, just speak louder, Molly.  [00:25:00] But if you have a story running in your head that says, if you do that, you are going to rock the boat, my technique is never going to stick. So we always have to go back to those stories and that core driver and we can ask the question, is this ultimately true? Is it ultimately true that if I blow it out, people are going to be mad? And then the second piece of that is, is that serving them even if they are?  Then there's the permission slip, a lot of this permission slip to rewrite the voice story. And then we change the habit. And that voice habit gets changed. I might plug in something like, what if we went back to that dialogue? Everybody's different? Everybody's stories are different. I'm always plugging in different things. But if we went back to that and I said, “Well, give me some of that. And really, really show me how you feel, really work from that place of I really need her to know.” I got to work from this message, I need to I mean, fully express this irregardless of what the noise in your head is. You pick a different voice habit in the muscle memory, we override it. So would it sound different if we went back and I said, “Just blow it out? How do you really feel? Don't hold back?” Molly Claire: Yeah. So interesting. So a question I have, I hope this makes sense. So as you're talking, what I'm hearing is that rather than telling someone, oh, just say it this way, you're going behind the scenes and helping to maybe question some of those beliefs or thoughts or the whatever happened long ago. And that naturally makes a shift in how the speech patterns go. Tracy Goodwin: It is both, it is both. It is an inside and outside job. I'll give you an example. Let's say somebody talks really fast. They talk really fast and the typical technical thing to do would be you just need to slow down. But I'm over here going, “Ah, we got to find out why. Why are you going fast?” Now, first of all, it might be a part of who you really are. I'm going to take that away? No way. I'm not going to take that away. If that's a part of who you are, I am not serving you by saying, “Well, you've got to slow down.” But I want to know why you're fast. Are you trying to get to the other side of it to make sure you got it right? Are you struggling with all the attention on you? Do you feel like you're bothering me? I've got to get to that story. And I don't have to do a deep dive on it. But I have to know is that true? And you go oh, now that's ridiculous. Okay, now, we're not going to slow you down, because that's a part of you. But we're going to roll in slow bits. Now we have both because we need both. Molly Claire: Yeah. So that's what I was wondering. So you work from behind the scenes, but also you can work from both sides? Yes, that’s what I do with my clients. It's like, okay, you're feeling this fear about moving forward, well, let's address the fear. And let's also set a plan to take. So you're working both directions?  Tracy Goodwin: Yeah, inside and outside. It's critical, because my research shows me that a typical voice technique won't stick, unless we go to the driver. And I'm sure you see the same thing in your work. Molly Claire: Yes, absolutely. Yeah, this is so fascinating because as you're saying that even when you said some people talking fast, just maybe them. Like with me, my voice is just high pitch. I think so often that there are things about us that are just how we are and who we are. I see this with my clients a lot of times where they question it. They see something that they think is maybe like, ‘bad or wrong’. So then they assume oh, it's because of this fear, or it's because of this or that. And sometimes that's not true at all. So I think we need to be careful about just assuming those kind of things. Tracy Goodwin: Definitely. And I think for me, certainly in my work, the litmus test becomes, is it something you are hiding behind? Or is it who you really are? I've had people over the years, they'll be defensive. That’s just that's just who I am. Now, that's a mask you're hiding behind. That is not who you are. Now, you might be a louder talker, that may be true, but that is a mass that you're hiding behind that is not working for you. The world tells us well, you got to be this.  [00:30:01] We're tracking data, right? I love it. We're tracking data right now on the old presentation voice. My generation had Walter Cronkite, and it was this beautiful, solid sound, people are vehemently rejecting that because we can't connect to it. I need to know who you are. And as a coach, so I need to hear in your voice, that you're the person that gets me that has walked my path that is on the other side of it and can help me. Critical.  Molly Claire: Yes, authenticity, being real, what would you say it really means in relation to the work you do? Tracy Goodwin: I think authenticity in my world is showing me all the bits of you. We tend to work on a safe note, let me be careful note, goes back to those stories. Let me not be too much. And we need to roll in all the shades of you. I need to hear the pain. I need to hear the frustration. I need to hear the excitement. I'll hear people do it all the time. They'll say I'm really excited to be here. Oh, yeah, it sounds like it. Let me hear your excitement. So it's that reveal of how we feel that the world has said, “Oh, no, don't bring feeling into it.” And I'm saying that's the only way I'm going to know you're the person for me. And if I don't hear that, I'm going to go look for the next one because I'm seeking sound. Molly Claire: Yes. Well, I do get excited about things. And what's funny is that, as you were saying that I think about even with my podcast, it's so easy for me at the beginning of every episode, I just want to say I'm so excited to be here with you. I've questioned that thinking okay, well, you've got to have a little bit of variety. Maybe this is too much. Are you really that excited all the time, but I genuinely am. And so I see those ways where we try to shift the way we really are so that it's acceptable to other people. Tracy Goodwin: That's it. And then it becomes a habit, you see, it becomes a habit in the muscle memory, we are going to draw from the top layer of muscle memory. So if I have convinced myself, don't be too much, I'm going to work in a box that is too small, then everything's going to sound the same. And I'm over here thinking well, I get really excited. I think I want to work with somebody that really excited like me. You don't reveal that to me. Well, that's a missed opportunity. Molly Claire: Yes. Oh, yeah, totally. And tell me because you've talked a little about masks. But tell my audience a little bit more about what that is. What are these voice masks that you're talking about? Tracy Goodwin: This is one of my projects of love that I call voice masks. And it started years ago, by the way I hear sounds. And there would be certain sounds I would hear on people's voices, and I would literally feel a bulletproof glass come down between us. I was connected to them, then I wasn't. I was connected to them, then they shut me out. And so I really started paying attention to these specific sounds. I turned them into a list of what I call voice masks. And so let me give you an example people pleasing is a big one. So if I'm a people pleaser, and I have a people pleasing mask, right now, this is who I am, you come to my house, this is how I'm going to be. But if I decide in a minute, that Molly is not happy with the way this interview is going, and I want her to be happy, then I'm going to not really be me anymore, because you might think I'm being too dramatic. And so I'll neutralize everything because I need to please you. Do you see how it becomes a vocal adjustment? Molly Claire: I know. I'm sitting here thinking wait, Tracy, come back to me. Tracy Goodwin: Right. It's like you feel the bulletproof glass go down. And so people pleasing and needing to prove are the two biggest ones that people pick up and they might pick up both right? But they cut the audience out, they disconnect us, they create a representation of who you are and I love the people pleasing example. I had a gal one time, she wasn't getting the big, big, big deals. She had a people pleasing mask. That's how I figured that one out because they're thinking, she's going in there neutral, people pleasing. Let me keep them happy. They're thinking, we got to find somebody passionate. Molly Claire: Yeah, right. Somebody's going to say something. Tracy Goodwin: And she's the most passionate person ever. She wasn't revealing that she wasn't showing up authentically because she had a voice story that said, you're too much. [00:35:00] Molly Claire: Yeah. So fascinating. And when you talk about, even before you gave the example where you kind of neutralized it when you talked about that bulletproof glass, I can think about times that I've actually commented to my husband when we've been listening to someone on TV or whatever. And I've said, “Have you noticed how it seems like they're being open? It seems like they're being vulnerable, but they're really not.” The words they're saying seem to be that. But this person is closed off. There is a glass shield in front of them. Tracy Goodwin: Yes. Such a great example. And after the last couple of years that we've all been through, I believe is why the trend has shifted. And that, for years, it was this have this beautiful stage voice and it was captivating for a moment or for a time, but then you made that realization. It's like, well, actually, no, they're not letting us in. I don't know who they are because everything's beautiful. So there's many voice masks. There's cheerleader. There's justification, I have a lot of justifiers. That's a mask of buffering, words, perfectionism. Yeah, it's so cool, right? Molly Claire: Yes. It's so fascinating. So if you were to leave my audience with just a couple of things, I know your thing is captivate the room, right? That is your, your business, your website? And if we'll have all of your information in the show notes for our listeners too, but what does it really take to captivate your room? What would you tell my listeners that something they can do? Tracy Goodwin: I get asked that question a lot. And it's one of my favorite questions, because I'm going to answer it in a way that you possibly would not expect me to answer it. Okay, so to captivate the room, which ultimately means you're showing me all those shades of you, you have to create unpredictability. I should never know where you're going next because the brain tells me to check out every four seconds and the brain follows movement. And if you're trying to get it right, and if you're trying to be careful, and if you're trying not to be too big, you're going to do everything the same. And that is how you captivate the room is you show up and show me who you are. And you don't go to the place of worrying about what I'm thinking because you can't control that anyway. So you captivate the room by leaning into how do you feel about what you're talking about?  Molly Claire: Yeah, because when you first said unpredictability, I started thinking about, okay, planning to make it unpredictable. But then I thought, truly, if we're being authentic, and we're beating ourselves, that is going to be unpredictable because we're just genuine and authentic. And that's interesting to people. Am I missing that? Or is there a connection there? Tracy Goodwin: No. And you're being unpredictable right now. You're being louder? Are you being quieter? Unpredictable is, I don't deal in words too much. I deal in words. I deal in sounds. And it's that, don't be afraid. Now I can talk about raw emotion. That's another episode. But don't be afraid to show me that excitement, or to show me that you're very concerned. You see, I'm creating unpredictability by leaning into how I feel and what is the experience I want you to have because I want you to know who I am. Molly Claire: Right. I mean, it just to me goes back to that genuine, authentic connection, of being you and caring about the people you're talking to, and wanting to convey an important message, like, understand what they need, and help to connect them with that. Tracy Goodwin: Yes, and I think from a voice perspective, because pillar one is all about unearthing the stories and the noise and where we're working from. But one of the things that that I think would be helpful for people to lean into that, let me show up as who I really am, is exactly what you just said. What can I do to serve you? Is been where I've been working from today. And see that lets me off the hook. If I am focused on creating an experience for you and what do you need and what do you need to hear and how can I serve you and your audience Molly? I'm off the hook to show up. A certain way, I can really be myself, because I'm not making it about me. Molly Claire: Right. Love it. So powerful.  [00:40:00] Well, Tracy, this has been amazing. Thank you so much for being here. Tracy Goodwin: Oh my gosh, thank you for having me. And thank you for letting assess your voice. You have an amazingly unique and wonderful voice. I want you to keep leaning into that. Molly Claire: I will thank you. It is unique. I've always heard that my voice is unique. So yeah, just by the way, our people listening that are in our mastermind are going to get to enjoy working with you in our quarterly workshops. So we're really excited to have you there as well.  Tracy Goodwin: Oh, I can't wait. That's going to be hands on.  Molly Claire: Yes, that's right. All right, thank you so much, Tracy. Tracy Goodwin: Thank you. Molly Claire: Thanks for listening to The Masterful Coach Podcast. You can check out for info about the ultimate program for coaches building a business. To find out more about Molly, you can visit