Embracing Our Sexuality: A Journey to Self-Trust and Spiritual Connection
Jan 01, 2025Follow the show:
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What do you believe is missing for us as women in terms of understanding our connection with our sexuality?
There are two related pieces
- A deeply embodied way of living
- A true experience(not just an intellectual understanding of sexuality)
Nature is the original temple, and the modern world has severed us from the natural world, creating an even bigger wedge between understanding and embracing our sexuality. It has become easier to take from the earth because we are more removed from it.
Trusting Our Intuition and reclaiming our sexuality
The female body has become fetishized, and women are shamed for their sexuality. We are taught not to live and trust our embodied knowing, intuition, and wisdom. These pieces are essential to reclaiming our sexual energy and embracing our sexuality.
Fearing the Embodied Knowing
In the past, women were trade healers and medicine keepers for their communities. This inherent knowing threatened the early inception of the church, which wanted to control the body. Midwives and healers became demonized and were even hung and burned.
But, there are pockets of opportunity to build self-trust in this space from which we have been taught to fear and push away.
As women, we have learned to fear our own pleasure. So many women feel embarrassed by their own pleasure, both sexual and sensual. Often, this fear comes from a radical unknowing, a radical discomfort with our pain. The practice of coming home to our pleasure and embracing our sexuality has so much to do with building a capacity.
Building a Capacity
Building the capacity in the body to hold more pain and, ultimately, pleasure comes back to doing work with your nervous system. Our nervous systems are calibrated to what's familiar, even if it is unpleasant. When you tie in the longstanding ancient negativity bias, we tend to be a lot more comfortable with an amputated pleasure range. The gateway to expanding that pleasure range is through discomfort.
How can we sit with and cultivate the ability to be with discomfort? How do we feel clean pain without adding the story of dirty pain? How do we become present to the beautiful, tenderizing emotion of Greif? Grief is such a portal to pleasure. Grief, pleasure, and erotic potential are all interwoven because they all come down to building capacity in the body
Kirstin Hotelling Zona
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD is a Certified Master Life Coach, Spiritual Mentor, and Transformational Facilitator. In all of her work, Kirstin draws on her 25 years as a professor and scholar of poetry, during which time she developed a popular signature course on human potential and the art of embodied learning and leadership. Kirstin also teaches and speaks about women’s sexuality, desire, and pleasure, and is a “demo” model for OMGYes, the widely-known online instructional platform co-hosted with the Kinsey Institute that explores and educates about female sexual pleasure. Kirstin mentors private clients, runs intimate group programs and mystic trainings, and has hosted over 30 retreats in both the U.S. and abroad. At once intuitive and intellectual, sensual and spiritual, she has helped thousands of people embody their eros so that they can shine as loving leaders and divine lovers, in full service to their sacred contributions in this lifetime. transformation.
Safety Within: A Guided Meditation for Difficult Times
The Sex Retreat
3/20-3/24, Riviera Maya, with Kirstin Hotelling Zona
Learn about and register for The Sex Retreat
Questions about the retreat?
Contact Kirstin directly via text: 1-309-829-3222
Connect with Molly Claire
Molly's Website: MollyClaire.Com
Master Coach Training 2025 Application Open
Have a question or thoughts about the podcast? Don’t hesitate to contact Molly at:
Molly’s book: The Happy Mom Mindset: mollyclaire.com/book
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Full Episode Transcript:
00:00:02.180 --> 00:00:07.389
Molly Claire: All right coaches. I am so excited about today's guest.
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Molly Claire: Today we are talking about sexuality and intimacy. And I think well, 1st of all this is such a relevant topic for all of us, just as human beings. It's certainly relevant for us as women where especially, I think today's conversation is most likely much different than anything any of you have heard before with regard to sexuality and intimacy.
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Molly Claire: and certainly this is relevant as well for us as coaches, because this is a big, important part of our clients. So such an important topic. And I'm so happy to have the amazing
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Molly Claire: Kirsten here with us today. Hello, Kirsten, welcome.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Molly. Thank you. I'm so pleased to be here. What an honor.
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Molly Claire: So Kirsten and I connected. I actually went to a retreat that Kirsten held. That was amazing, and has, you know, continues to have an impact for me, and this conversation has come about from that connection. But before we, before I tell about that, tell us a little bit more about
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Molly Claire: who you are and what you do.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Thank you. I'm a master coach and a transformational facilitator. So I do. I work with primarily women, but also the men who love them and work with them. And I work one on one with women, and I also hold a series of retreats, both domestic and international. And I do trainings
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: And really, what I I think the best way to put what I do is I help guide women home to their embodied wisdom, and in doing so, help them really bring forth the spiritual gifts which is innate to every single human. But we've
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: through a series and a layering of conditioning. We really learned to sever ourselves both from nature and our own spiritual nature.
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Molly Claire: I love it.
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Molly Claire: And you know, spirituality is, it's not something, I talk a lot about on my podcast necessarily like explicitly, right, but but it's it's there.
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Molly Claire: It's like woven throughout. And I and so, anyway. But I what I love about this. So I was at Kirsten's Retreat, which was fantastic. By the way, it was such a great experience, and came for me at the exact, perfect timing. And while we were there at that retreat.
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Molly Claire: Kirsten had made a couple of comments about
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Molly Claire: our sexuality, and specifically as women and the spiritual nature of it, and I don't remember exactly what you said, but what I do remember is, I remember
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Molly Claire: thinking that the things you said really resonated
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Molly Claire: with me there, I I felt like yes, like I can tell. This woman has
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Molly Claire: a wisdom here, and and a depth of knowledge, and I know I want more of it. Right? And so I said, Kirsten, when are you doing a sex retreat?
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Molly Claire: And it's like, well, as a matter of fact, it's on on the. It's been on the radar for a while. So that's kind of how all this came about. Was, you know me just seeing that and experiencing that with you. And here we are.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Here we are.
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Molly Claire: So.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Fantastic. Yeah, that was such a great conversation.
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Molly Claire: Yes, and and so Kirsten is, and she can tell you more about it, because she is, in fact, doing a sex retreat. That is
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Molly Claire: I I mean, it's gonna be fantastic. I've been, you know, been so privileged to be on the back end understanding a little bit more about the experience, so she'll be telling you all about that. But let's talk more about your
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Molly Claire: what do you believe is in what do you believe at least is part of what is really missing for us.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Yes.
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Molly Claire: Women in terms of our understanding of, or connection with, our sexuality.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Yeah, yeah, thank you.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: It's a great question. And it's a huge question. 5 podcast episodes.
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Molly Claire: So that's why I was like in part like at least we'll we'll love this.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: You know, I think that I think the most economical way to respond to that really important question is to say that
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: I think what is missing 2 2 pieces, and they're they're related, I think what is missing is a
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: an ex, an experience, a deeply embodied way of living so, and and in addition to that.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: a a true experience, not just an an intellectual or a conceptual understanding of sexuality as inherently spiritual. And I'll say what I mean by that in a minute.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: But and how the 2 work together. Right? So
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: the body is the original temple, earth, earth. Nature is the original temple, the 1st temple, the mother, father, God, that which from which we are born and upon which we depend. But look at how modern culture for the past 2,000 years
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: has, and and more really has, increasingly severed us
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: from the natural world. And, you know.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: packaging on our food, you know.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Rather than cow. You know pork rather than pig, and I eat meat. This is not a condemnation of that but the way we are so
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: protected from.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Nature in a way that that
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: disembodies the natural world like, renders it like kind of one dimensional kind of sterilizes it, which is necessary for the
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: the resourcing right so to take from something is a lot easier when we we have reduced it and reduced its life force. Right? So it so. And and we've done this with the body, particularly the female body, that has such deep affinity with, and is an extension of the earth body, right, these 2 sources of generative life force potential.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: And so when we, when we disavow nature and our relationship, not only our relationship to it, but our our inextricable being. With it. We also disavow the body, and we see this
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: manifest in the way the female body is both
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: fetishized as sexual object. Think of the pornography and the way women are portrayed in pornography through the male gaze, right
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: and the way women are shamed simultaneously for their own sexuality, either wanting it or not wanting it. Right. There's a tiny comfort we get to walk.
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Molly Claire: Very tiny window.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Together. That's a long answer. But together those 2 pieces, the disavowal of the embodied nature of being, and how we're not taught to live and trust our embodied. Knowing our intuition, our.
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Molly Claire: Yes.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Wisdom, and how that is essential to the reclaiming of our sexual energy, as in as in fact, nourishing good, potent, and life force.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Oh, I think that's what's missing.
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Molly Claire: Yeah, I mean, and I have so many questions to ask you.
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Molly Claire: But one thing that you said that I something came to my mind, and I want to ask your opinion about this. But when you, when you were talking about
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Molly Claire: sort of, you know, being taught not necessarily to to
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Molly Claire: trust the body to trust that intuition to trust that, knowing
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Molly Claire: I would take it a step further and say that we're almost taught to fear that.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Absolutely.
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Molly Claire: Right, yeah, yeah, yeah.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: We're absolutely, and we could go on a whole tangent talking about the the way women's embodied, knowing whether expressed through expressed as the community healer, the community midwife. You know, these were the roles occupied by women up until quite recently in our communities, and by recently I'm talking about a couple 1,000 years ago.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: but women were traditionally the healers, the medicine keepers in our communities worldwide, and
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: this, knowing this direct, knowing right, the body gnosis was considered a terrible threat to the State and the early inception of the Church that wanted and needed to control the body and to control control. You know the conduit to God's source. And so midwives were the 1st midwives and healers were the 1st to be literally demonized, and that we have the burning times, and 9 million 9 million women.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: At the stake, or hung 9 million in a course of 400 years. So yes, and and epigenetically today, that's only like 6 generations later. Right? Epigenically, epigenetically, today, we still fear right? We have that our bodies.
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Molly Claire: Yes, yes.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Too. It's it's still taught, you know. We're still stuck to fear that, knowing.
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Molly Claire: Yes, yeah, I mean. And and this isn't. This is a little bit of a tangent. But I I also feel like that. We can.
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Molly Claire: This knowing this is because this is an essential thing that is woven all throughout my master coach training, right? So like at a surface level, I mean not really surface level, but a surface level. That program is about right. I talk about cognition and emotions and the nervous system and actions. And we talk about niche work, but the best part about it, the most important part about it
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Molly Claire: is is what we're talking about, right where these women during this year. They learn to know themselves, to trust themselves and to build that. And I just believe
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Molly Claire: like absolutely.
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Molly Claire: And there are many ways we can seek this right and build this up. But I believe absolutely, for all of you as coaches. One of the most important things you can do to ensure. You know your
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Molly Claire: success, your growth, your expansion in your business is to focus on knowing yourself and building that trust inside of you. It's everything right.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Absolutely. Oh, it's critical, it's the best.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: And and so oh, sorry to interrupt.
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Molly Claire: No, no, keep going. I was just gonna tighten intimacy. But go ahead. Keep going.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Like Gordon.
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Molly Claire: Yeah, I mean, so I just think that. And especially, it's like, it's interesting how there are these little pockets of opportunities for us to build that self trust right? And so I think about the work that that you have part of the work that you've done and what you're doing with the sex retreat in this. Is that?
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Molly Claire: that! What an opportunity for us to build self-trust in a space that we have been taught to fear.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Absolutely.
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Molly Claire: Be in a space that we have been taught to push away from, and that we just have so many mixed messages about like what an opportunity.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: To.
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Molly Claire: To self, connect and build self-trust in that space.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Absolutely yeah and and I love your emphasis on. And you're really bringing us into the like, the locus of self trust, because that's what it's that's all about.
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Molly Claire: Yeah, yeah.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: And and
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: you know increasingly one of the things that I really admire about your work. And one of the reasons I you know we've become such fast friends and dear colleagues, is because I I so cherish
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: the emphasis you bring to the coaching community on embodiment. Right? It's so critical, so critical.
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Molly Claire: It is.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: And and to to me. It's foundational, all right. You did.
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Molly Claire: It absolutely is.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: It is the source. And you know one of the things that your response just made me think of is the way you know, just to make it even more granular and specific. You talk about us, fearing that embodied knowing. So what does that really even mean? And I would say that one of the things I'd love your thoughts on this, too. One of the things I think we fear we both long for and we're terrified of is our own pleasure, like our own untapped
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: wild desire. I don't mean what we're taught to want.
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Molly Claire: Hmm.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: What we're allowed to want, what we're sanctioned to desire. But I mean the full, messy, wild, feckund range of our unleashed arrows.
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Molly Claire: Hmm.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Both sexual and sensual.
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Molly Claire: Okay.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: And I think that we again back to that tiny isthmus right of what? What we're allowed to feel and feel comfortable feeling, because when we, when we have a limited access to our own pleasure, when we feel embarrassed by our pleasure. I can't tell you how many women come to me want no feeling like like they freeze in the face of their own pleasure.
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Molly Claire: And they.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Or they feel embarrassed
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: by revealing or asking for what they really want. This is so normal. I think we've all.
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Molly Claire: Bye.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: That's right. But how very often what's happening behind the
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: the fear of our pleasure is a radical, unknowing, a radical discomfort with our pain.
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Molly Claire: Hmm.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: And so the practice.
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Molly Claire: About that.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Yeah. So the practice of coming home to our pleasure and owning our pleasure has so much to do with building a capacity. So back to your nervous system, work right, building the capacity in the body to hold more pleasure.
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Molly Claire: Hmm.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: You know, we might think that this is a no brainer. Well, of course, of course, I want more joy, more pleasure, and more.
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Molly Claire: But.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Of course, like, you know, Gay Hendrix work, and a lot of other people have shown that. You know, we really do have an upper limit, where our nervous systems are calibrated to what's familiar, even if it's really unpleasant. And
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: yes, okay.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: we are also, you tie that into, you know, long standing, ancient negativity bias wired into the human form, and we tend to be a lot more comfortable with a kind of amputated pleasure range.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: And the gateway right to expanding that that pleasure zone which is where we're going to get to the really juicy upper echelons of our own potential and our own sacred contribution in this lifetime, right is through the gateway of discomfort. Can we say, how can we cultivate the ability to be with.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: not heal, not fix, not change.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: but to be with which is in the body
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: the sensation, the felt sense of discomfort
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: that comes back to like, how do we feel clean pain without the adding and spiraling to the story of dirty pain? How we you know the stuff we make it mean? How do we become present to the beautiful, tenderizing emotion of grief?
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Grief is such a portal to pleasure, but we have such a paucity of vocabulary and practices in this culture for actually tending with reverence our grief.
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Molly Claire: Agree.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Pleasure and erotic potential are all interwoven because they all come down to building capacity to be.
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Molly Claire: Hmm.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: In the body.
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Molly Claire: Yes, yes, that it's that capacity. Right? That's it's
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Molly Claire: I have so much to say about that. But
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Molly Claire: expanding our capacity is one of the greatest gifts.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Hmm.
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Molly Claire: Ourself the greatest gifts, and it's not pleasant.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Yeah.
00:17:02.660 --> 00:17:04.770
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Well, not first, st not@firstst
00:17:04.770 --> 00:17:06.540
Molly Claire: Not at 1st right right?
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Right? It's a it's an initiation, right? It's an an initiation. That's how we like to think about it right.
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Molly Claire: Yes, and then, and also I think that the more we
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Molly Claire: the more we see and understand the value in the expanding of capacity.
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Molly Claire: And the more, as you said, we understand the value in making space for
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Molly Claire: the grief that we also experience. I know we could get into a whole other thing about that right? And we definitely need to have another episode. But
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Molly Claire: I I just think that the more we can at least understand the value, and that it's worth it. It allows us to to open up to it a little more easily.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: A 100% 100%.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Yeah.
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Molly Claire: So one thing. So
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Molly Claire: when I think about my upbringing, I was raised in a I would say, a very conservative community, very conservative church culture.
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Molly Claire: and I also had parents who talked very openly about sex.
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Molly Claire: My opinions and feelings about sex, I would say. Generally speaking, we're very positive.
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Molly Claire: I remember my mom always telling me that sex felt so good that it was so much fun that it was something to be excited about, and and something that was really special and important.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: And so.
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Molly Claire: So, and I was raised definitely. I was taught that you know, sex and sexual connection with some someone
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Molly Claire: should only be within marriage which I'm not. None of this is like up for debate on this podcast of whether that's a bad teaching, a good teaching or anywhere in between. But I'm just just saying this to to bring into context where I'm coming from so interesting, where I was taught what most would consider a very conservative view
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Molly Claire: of sex in a way maybe even guarded with rules around it. And yet I also was taught simultaneously that it was a really
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Molly Claire: positive, really gift from God, and something that allowed greater connection with another person. And so and the reason I say all of this is that I typically thought of myself as someone who has a pretty healthy relationship with sex and my sexuality.
00:19:43.560 --> 00:19:52.720
Molly Claire: And yet I feel like what you offer and what you're speaking to in terms of the
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Molly Claire: I don't. I don't quite have the right words for it, but but even more of the spiritual nature of our own sexuality
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Molly Claire: is is bigger and different. And I think this is, I think this is why, maybe this is, maybe I've just. It's just come to my mind. So I've always thought of sex in relation to
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Molly Claire: a positive thing. It feels good. It's about connection. But I don't think I was ever really taught to understand my own sexuality. And I'm not talking about the act of sex, or even orgasm, or anything like that, but just my sexuality
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Molly Claire: as its own, like a part of me that is spiritual and important. I think that's what it is. Maybe that I've been missing.
00:20:38.520 --> 00:20:39.200
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Huh!
00:20:39.680 --> 00:20:41.949
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Yes, I almost want to just like
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: pause right there and let that resonate with your listeners.
00:20:46.990 --> 00:20:47.630
Molly Claire: Yeah.
00:20:47.630 --> 00:20:55.759
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: I I you know you asked in the beginning what's missing? And I think I think you've just described it so well, right. This
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: it's 1 thing to think about sexuality as
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: a pathway to deeper intimacy and communion with another in a sacred relationship.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Bond, right.
00:21:14.500 --> 00:21:23.199
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: But we are not taught how and we're not shown and modeled women
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: who in or men really, who inhabit, live inside of their sexuality. 1st of all, as their own.
00:21:35.230 --> 00:21:46.499
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: So sexual really sexuality cause, I would agree. I mean, I I do think sexuality, I mean, obviously, sexuality is the pathway to sacred union.
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: both within and without.
00:21:49.660 --> 00:22:04.710
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: But sexuality is at its most essential creative life. Force, energy, right, create.
00:22:04.710 --> 00:22:06.050
Molly Claire: Say it again. Yeah.
00:22:06.050 --> 00:22:19.250
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Sexuality, the at its essence. Sexuality itself is essence, right, it is the progenitor of all right. Sexuality is creative
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: life, force, energy.
00:22:26.820 --> 00:22:34.709
Molly Claire: You know, just before you said that I was thinking about this question was coming to my mind to ask you how you would distinguish between
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Molly Claire: our sexuality and the act of sex, because they're they're different.
00:22:42.260 --> 00:22:47.100
Molly Claire: They're related. But they're different. And and then and that's what it is right. It's
00:22:47.890 --> 00:22:50.439
Molly Claire: and I, just, I just keep thinking. This is
00:22:50.730 --> 00:23:08.150
Molly Claire: such an important thing for all of us to really understand and know about ourselves. And where do we go to do this other than you, I mean, really. And that's why I was so, you know, just Kirsten. You've got to do this retreat, and why I wanted to have this podcast. Because.
00:23:08.390 --> 00:23:27.230
Molly Claire: And I've had intimacy experts in my community before and and teach. And they're fantastic. And they teach different parts of, you know, different pieces and parts of sexuality and sexual relationships that are really useful. And and this what you are speaking about, I just think, is so different.
00:23:27.230 --> 00:23:30.029
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Hmm, and it's it's just an it's a.
00:23:30.030 --> 00:23:30.929
Molly Claire: Big deal. Yeah.
00:23:30.930 --> 00:23:36.520
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Yeah. And and I just if I may say one thing in response to that, that you know
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: the reclamation for all of us, for all of us women and men the reclamation of sexuality as sacred, and by sacred, I mean, I don't want to get. I don't. I'm not talking morality here right.
00:23:52.780 --> 00:23:53.330
Molly Claire: Yeah.
00:23:53.330 --> 00:24:22.770
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: I mean as sacred as in the animating life force of the cosmos God, energy, right. I see sexual energy as the iteration of God, consciousness moving through us. Right? We are endowed with creative capacity. In this essential, like erotic current, that is, life, force, energy, that is, God, energy, and
00:24:22.880 --> 00:24:49.190
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: what I think has happened over time in myriad ways is that with the severing of human from nature, we've separated the head, the mind, from the body, and and in that we have also relegated sexuality to something we visit and come home from, not something we live inside of, and our own sexuality is that which is ignited by way of another right?
00:24:49.870 --> 00:24:52.610
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: And so to reclaim
00:24:52.820 --> 00:25:09.150
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: sexual energy and to and to literally like and I'm talking in really practical, tactical terms. What does it feel like in your body? And I'm not talking about just masturbating or being sexual with somebody else, although you know both of those are great. But I'm talking about.
00:25:09.150 --> 00:25:28.039
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: How do we perceive sexual energy in your body walking through the day? I mean, this is my mission to help women come home to their erotic essence, and to embody that essence as Godhead, as as the source of their their
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: their life force, that they have the capacity that we have the capacity to cultivate, to nurture, to nourish, and to express, because when we can live from this fount
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: of of this inherent fount of God, energy in our bodies, moving through our day from this space.
00:25:51.730 --> 00:25:55.050
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: What we touch, what we create.
00:25:55.530 --> 00:26:03.290
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: what we connect with, what we attract is suffused in, in loving energy.
00:26:03.440 --> 00:26:06.489
Molly Claire: And it's so much more impactful.
00:26:06.620 --> 00:26:19.970
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: And we, we are so much more. We are swimming with the current. Right? We're moving with the current of life and our creations rather than fighting and struggling against it. It's a really powerful resource.
00:26:21.020 --> 00:26:22.796
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: We could go into all sorts of.
00:26:23.490 --> 00:26:51.400
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: All sorts of things about that, like, you know. Well, it's no wonder that women's sexuality is is, you know, demonized and kind of us and all the rest, because it is such a source of such innate and godly power. And I'm really on a mission to help women come home to their bodies, come home to the Roddick current within and know how to activate it, know how to recognize it, know how to wield it, channel it, and create from this space.
00:26:52.820 --> 00:26:53.840
Molly Claire: Well, and
00:26:53.970 --> 00:27:00.589
Molly Claire: you know, as Kirsten's talking, what keeps coming to my mind, you know and and all of you listening you're.
00:27:01.411 --> 00:27:03.869
Molly Claire: I'm sure everyone's minds are going like
00:27:04.130 --> 00:27:17.810
Molly Claire: like taking this all in and integrating it into what we know and what we believe and what we think and what's possible. But one of the this question that keeps coming to my mind that I think is worth really all of us considering is
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Molly Claire: what is my own relationship with my sexuality with that part of me.
00:27:27.890 --> 00:27:28.545
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Right
00:27:29.610 --> 00:27:32.720
Molly Claire: What do I think about it? What do I feel about it?
00:27:34.950 --> 00:27:37.240
Molly Claire: Because I just think, if there's any
00:27:37.470 --> 00:27:42.319
Molly Claire: part of us, this is my personal belief. Nobody has to take this on. But
00:27:42.510 --> 00:27:53.010
Molly Claire: I do believe that that our spirituality or I'm sorry our sexuality is God given. I think it's I think it is. And
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Molly Claire: and so interesting to think
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Molly Claire: that if we have beliefs about it that say we need to shut it down or close it out, or dim it.
00:28:06.200 --> 00:28:07.770
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Or the yeah, it's dangerous.
00:28:07.770 --> 00:28:11.269
Molly Claire: Yes, like, how can we be?
00:28:11.510 --> 00:28:21.679
Molly Claire: How can we be experience in our life fully? And this doesn't mean right, this. And hopefully, this is not the message that's coming across. It's it's not like,
00:28:23.050 --> 00:28:34.750
Molly Claire: I think sometimes people can get the idea that this means that you're having sex with everyone everywhere, or something like that, right? If if we're not shutting it out and dimming it. This is like that's not even close to what this conversation is about.
00:28:34.750 --> 00:28:37.650
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Right, which is fine, though, if you are, but that's not what I'm talking about.
00:28:37.650 --> 00:28:42.149
Molly Claire: Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's like a completely different topic altogether. Right? And so.
00:28:42.360 --> 00:28:43.992
Molly Claire: But I think that
00:28:45.480 --> 00:28:52.039
Molly Claire: that that's a really good question for us to consider like, what is my relationship with my sexuality?
00:28:52.210 --> 00:28:56.509
Molly Claire: And how is that relationship with my sexuality
00:28:56.880 --> 00:29:00.863
Molly Claire: impacting me right? Impacting how?
00:29:02.430 --> 00:29:08.719
Molly Claire: how whole I feel as a person how accepting I feel of myself as a human being.
00:29:08.720 --> 00:29:21.270
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Yeah, absolutely. And that's the exact question with which we begin the sex retreat. That is the 1st question for everybody that everybody who comes they'll be. Everybody will be receiving a Pdf. With
00:29:21.270 --> 00:29:50.419
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: some questions and journaling problems and some practices. And there's some, you know, some like small, very doable little ceremonies with tea and things to do before, to sort of warm ourselves up, so that when we get to Mexico altogether we're not just coming in cold. We've we've thought about it. We've talked about it. We've had a live call together where we get to exhale through all our nervousness, start sharing and creating community, because that safety, of course, especially for the feminine.
00:29:50.490 --> 00:29:54.440
Molly Claire: Safety, is essential, right, no.
00:29:54.530 --> 00:30:04.080
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: So for the feminine woman, you know the the retrieval, the reclamation of our sexuality, and our pleasure cannot happen in the absence of safety.
00:30:05.020 --> 00:30:22.010
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: also cultivating the divine masculine within structure, solidity, presence, consciousness. And so what is my relationship to my sexuality.
00:30:23.280 --> 00:30:30.610
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: I mean just the word relationship, right? Just you know
00:30:30.780 --> 00:30:36.150
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: what kind of a relationship is it? Does this relationship feel good.
00:30:36.360 --> 00:30:37.350
Molly Claire: -
00:30:37.690 --> 00:30:39.389
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: This, a nourishing relationship.
00:30:39.390 --> 00:30:40.650
Molly Claire: -
00:30:40.650 --> 00:30:51.640
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: More than it takes away. Is this a relationship that leaves me anxious and insecure? Is it all over the map? If it's some of this and some of that.
00:30:52.660 --> 00:30:59.530
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Where might I begin to think about how I'd like it to evolve.
00:31:02.240 --> 00:31:04.622
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Okay, really like it to be.
00:31:05.020 --> 00:31:14.189
Molly Claire: This is, I know this has opened up so much, and I really I know we can. We probably should have. We should have another call after the retreat. And have a
00:31:14.190 --> 00:31:15.780
Molly Claire: do. Another podcast episode
00:31:15.780 --> 00:31:35.687
Molly Claire: then, but those of you listening, I mean, I I just think I remember one of one of the coaches that came and taught my clients a couple of years ago. Lisa Haddelstead. She's a fantastic coach, and okay, well, it might have been so I have. So Lisa, and then
00:31:36.810 --> 00:31:50.390
Molly Claire: And also Amanda louder. I'm giving them a shout out because they both contributed, and I can't remember which one of them said it. But I'm gonna I'm going to bring it up either way. So one of you said this amidst the brilliance, and that is that oftentimes
00:31:50.620 --> 00:31:55.740
Molly Claire: the intimacy, like as as coaches, or even as someone coming to a coach.
00:31:55.950 --> 00:32:06.699
Molly Claire: we leave the intimacy for the end. So it's coaches right? We want to learn all the things, and it's the last thing. And I remember one of them saying it actually should be one of the 1st things we don't realize
00:32:06.930 --> 00:32:09.509
Molly Claire: how many things it's connected to. So.
00:32:09.960 --> 00:32:11.376
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: It's like the root ball.
00:32:12.190 --> 00:32:30.999
Molly Claire: So, having said that, I mean, I'm a believer. This is an important topic. Obviously, I'm so excited about this retreat. So I wanted to have Kirsten here to tell you all about it. So as we wrap up this episode, tell everyone just a little bit about the retreat and what steps they can take to be a part of it, because I think you still have spots left. Yes.
00:32:31.000 --> 00:32:32.290
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Just 4 spots. Left.
00:32:32.290 --> 00:32:34.730
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: 4 spots. Okay, okay, so so.
00:32:34.730 --> 00:32:38.669
Molly Claire: Tell us a little bit about it, and how people could be a part of it.
00:32:38.670 --> 00:33:00.529
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Wonderful. Well, we are going. It's going to be a small retreat, limited to 12 women, because I want to ensure personalized. You know, individual attention for everybody. We're meeting in the Riviera Maya at on Sanctuary. It's in the heart of the Mayan jungle 10 min from the beach. So where's sea and jungle meet
00:33:00.540 --> 00:33:18.949
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: like a beautiful fertile place. I've bought out the whole resort, so we feel super safe and free to just be ourselves, whatever that looks like it's a 4 day retreat starting on. It's over the spring equinox. So March 20th to 24, th
00:33:18.970 --> 00:33:39.049
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: 2025. We start on a Thursday evening. We end on that Monday morning, and our mornings will be spent in circle, circling up together. You're doing some breath work, really, you know, coming into our bodies, some gentle Yoga, maybe some sacred dance. And then we're gonna we're also gonna have, like down home.
00:33:39.150 --> 00:33:43.760
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: skillfully guided and led just discussion because so much of what?
00:33:43.970 --> 00:33:54.350
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Bring it out? Bring it out like, what are those answers to the question, what is your relationship to your sexuality? What do you really want? What are you really scared of? What are you convinced?
00:33:55.420 --> 00:33:56.370
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Is
00:33:56.760 --> 00:34:03.739
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: impossible, too imperfect, too wrong, too bad, too much of a flaw inside of you to have what you want.
00:34:04.370 --> 00:34:13.069
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Where does your shame really reside? Because I can assure you that no matter how evolved of a woman is in this experience, she's got some calcified layer of shame.
00:34:13.620 --> 00:34:42.480
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: what is the relationship between your anger and sexuality? Because when we repress our anger, we repress our sexuality right? Our mornings will be spent, you know, doing a lot of coaching, deep dive teaching. I draw from a number of different methodologies very contemporary work, as well as a lot of training in ancient sacred sexuality practices. Tantra. So I meld these together, and we'll have mornings that are rich in teaching and coaching and activity and exploration some ceremony.
00:34:42.719 --> 00:34:52.519
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Then we'll have a beautiful lunch. Then. Afternoons there will be a lot of free time to integrate, wander, explore this beautiful space. Reflect, nap.
00:34:52.630 --> 00:35:13.530
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: We'll also have every day a beautiful curated adventure or ceremony. So we're doing a Mayan Tamaskal. We're doing a breathwork journey. We're doing a sacred sound bath by the light of a hundred candles in an underground cenote. It's a fire ceremony.
00:35:14.029 --> 00:35:29.310
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: and and sisterhood, you know. Really, sisterhood, I do. Well, as I. I've been a teacher for 26 years. I was a poetry professor, and I I know how to cultivate intimate, safe.
00:35:29.420 --> 00:35:34.589
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: open fun, loving community among women, and it's my favorite.
00:35:34.790 --> 00:35:58.599
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: And so people will leave this retreat with, you know, lifelong connections and friends, and so much more awakened to their truth and their their own, their own sexuality, and that the power that resides within that. So I can say a lot more. But those are the nuts and bolts, and you can. I'll have you drop the link to the sex, retreat in the notes to the episode, and people can click on that and register.
00:35:59.000 --> 00:36:17.240
Molly Claire: Or if they, if anybody, would like to speak to me personally, which one probably would. If you are thinking about this, I'm happy to jump on a call, one on one free, of course complimentary. Not a sales call, but just to talk to you about whether or not this is really a good fit for you. So I'm happy, and I'll drop a link for that as well.
00:36:17.240 --> 00:36:31.599
Molly Claire: Awesome. Okay. So in the show notes we have the link to register directly, and also the opportunity. If people want to to speak with you, to get more information, too, and I just have to say that I have sent a link to
00:36:31.610 --> 00:36:47.330
Molly Claire: the place where we're going to be like the site, the pictures to like so many of my friends I'm like, look where I'm going to be, because, let me tell all of you, it is gorgeous. It is. Even if you have no interest in going to the retreat, you should click on the link. So you can see this place.
00:36:47.380 --> 00:36:52.219
Molly Claire: And I know the food is gonna be amazing. I it's just gonna be fantastic. So.
00:36:52.220 --> 00:36:53.500
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: It is, it is.
00:36:53.500 --> 00:37:05.880
Molly Claire: Thank you so much for being here and for sharing all of this. I know it's given my listeners so much to think about, and any any final things you want to say before we wrap up.
00:37:06.700 --> 00:37:11.710
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Let's just thank you. Thank you. And any woman listening to this
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Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: that feels like oh, you know, I feel inspired by this, but I feel terrified at the same time, or I feel uncomfortable.
00:37:22.310 --> 00:37:31.409
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: I just invite you to turn with softness and curiosity to whatever resistance there is.
00:37:31.930 --> 00:37:34.100
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: And befriend it.
00:37:34.100 --> 00:37:34.900
Molly Claire: Hmm.
00:37:34.900 --> 00:37:36.500
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Let it guide you home.
00:37:37.060 --> 00:37:37.630
Molly Claire: Love it.
00:37:37.870 --> 00:37:38.460
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Yeah. Thanks.
00:37:38.460 --> 00:37:38.800
Molly Claire: Hmm.
00:37:38.800 --> 00:37:40.099
Kirstin Hotelling Zona, PhD: Thank you. Thank you.
00:37:40.100 --> 00:37:52.260
Molly Claire: Thank you, Kirsten. Thank you. To all of you. We will be back with another episode in a couple of weeks. We're spacing the episodes out just a tad over the holidays, so we'll see you next time.