Focus on what makes you money
Feb 01, 2023
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There’s always a nearly inexhaustible business To Do list. As coaches, our brains naturally bend toward caring for others, toward inner work and healing, yet so much of what we need to do is outer work: sales, marketing, accounting, and the like. For many of us, it’s like learning a foreign language and thus takes a lot of time. But in accomplishing all the business things, are you carving out enough time, booking enough sessions, to bring in the money you need?
In this episode, I share a bit of wisdom regarding how to focus on what makes you money, as I do much more in depth for those in the The 10K Accelerator. I discuss why we don’t always focus on making money, what can get in the way, and how we can address those things differently, so we can make more money. I hope what I cover in this episode helps you get started and that, perhaps, helping you even more personally and specifically is in our future together.
“Making a decision about creating a certain result is very powerful.” – Molly Claire
What You’ll Learn
- Reasons we don’t focus on making money
- Do the money goal math
- Make that unwavering decision
- Hold yourself accountable
- Useful or fearful changes
- Examine how you think about failure
- Appropriate action from perceived failure
Contact Info and Recommended Resources
The 10K Accelerator: Let Molly help you dial in your message and set your goal to make your first 10K or your next 10K. Perfect for life or weight coach, The Accelerator starts in February and enrollment is OPEN NOW:
Get Molly’s FREE 10K Goal Tracker: This complimentary goal tracker will help you organize your plan so you can make money + make a difference, one client at a time. Request your instant access copy today:
Connect with Molly Claire
COACHING BUSINESS A BIT STUCK? You’re not to blame. To help you unstuck, Molly has 5 Tips no one ever told you, FREE at
Advanced Certification Training: Join the Waitlist
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Full Episode Transcript:
Welcome to the Masterful Coach Podcast with Molly Claire, where coaches learn skill mastery, business mastery, and life mastery at a whole new level. If you are serious about creating a meaningful coaching business that makes a difference, you are in the right place. And now your host, master life and business coach, Molly Claire.
Hey, coach. Are you having fun in your life today, in your business? I hope so. This is my quick message to you before we start this episode. I had an interesting experience this last year. I'm not sure why. I don't know if it's intuition or premonition or whatever you wanna call it. But, in August I turned 43 and for some reason something flipped in my brain to say, "You have just entered the second half of your life".
And it was almost like I felt this immediate sense of; this is the fun part. This is the good part. I've done the hard. I've overcome. I've had this growth, and now I get to enjoy this space where there is more space and time to relax. More space and time to connect and enjoy and where I get to just do all the fun things and release the worry.
Now, what's so interesting is this is a mindset. These thoughts and these experiences are available to all of us and hopefully we're all practicing that. And it was kind of fun to just have this interesting immediate shift where my brain is open to this new space. So I'm enjoying every bit of it. And I love my life. I love my business. I'm so happy about what I've created, and I hope the same for you. So have the best time in your business today.
So I want to talk with you today and share a few things about where I'm working with my clients in the 10K Accelerator and give you some of the guidance that we're talking about in there.
And speaking of fun, I am having the best time with these coaches, dialing their messaging and really helping them move forward. I have to tell you, think about how much time we spend saying things like, "I have to narrow my niche. I have to figure out my messaging. I'm not sure how to say the right thing to connect with people." And it seems like such a mysterious and hard thing.
Here's my opinion about it. I don't believe it's to be as mysterious as we think. And I don't think it needs to take as long as we think. And in my experience in dialing messages with my clients, it is kind of an intense experience. We'll be on Slack going back and forth, or we'll have a call and we're sifting through the messaging and we're challenging and we're pushing. And I have to say that at the end of that hour or 90 minutes, my brain is a little bit fried and we all need some space from it.
Because dialing your messaging is really a challenge for you in moving out of your own way of thinking, and moving into the way that your client is thinking. There's such a beautiful art to it, and it's so much fun, and I just wanna give a shout out to those of you in the 10K Accelerator. You are killing it. Your messaging is getting dialed, and I am having a ball with you.
So the premise of the 10 K Accelerator, just to give you a little bit of a background before I dive into sharing a few things with you, is that I've been in the coaching world for a long time now, and I've seen quite a few trends and I've seen a lot of coaches that get pretty lost - myself included at times over the years, for sure - get a little bit lost in trying to figure out so many different business and marketing skills. And there are a million and one marketing methods and there is a laundry list of things that you have to do before you actually have a list, before you have people to work with.
Too many coaches get lost in an exhaustive list of to-dos. And not enough coaches are actually having clients on their calendar, paying them and working with them. And part of the reason for this is you have all of these people that are attracted to the coaching industry who are coaches at heart.
You're coaches, you're a teacher, you're a healer, you're a connector. And so you move into this space wanting to coach and help people, and come to find out that you have to learn this entirely foreign language of marketing and sales that you don't like, that doesn't feel comfortable, that's not familiar, and is doing stuff that is not what you want to do.
And I think this is a primary challenge that many coaches experience, and this is really a big part of why I created this program. Because I believe that you, as a coach, as a teacher, as a healer, those natural gifts, when used in the right way, become the marketing strategy. And I don't believe that you have to become a mastermind at running an online business in order to be successful as a coach.
And in fact, The opposite is true that if you are a coach at heart and if you learn how to use your greatest, not only your greatest skills, but the things you enjoy doing, that is how you can create an extremely abundant business that is much more profitable and spend more time doing what you love and less time lost in do-it-yourself marketing programs out there that are a dime a dozen.
So that's really the premise behind this program. Because I believe for you, all of you listening, that right now, if you were to look at your schedule, your calendar, your task list, there are probably things on that list that are going to keep you busy, but that will not actually move you toward getting a new client in the door. And we do this to ourselves partly because we think that we're supposed to. And partly because the busyness keeps us safe. But I know many of you feel frustrated, wondering how you can eliminate things from your calendar and what it is you should focus on that will be most important.
And while I don't have the complete answer for you today, I do want to share with you a few simple things that are going to help you stay focused. And the first thing I have for you is; how clear is your money goal? Now, for most of you, or many of you, you didn't get into coaching for the money. Many of you, it's a big part of it. Some of you, that may be the leading part of why you wanted to do it. Wherever you fall on this spectrum, there is so much value in having a number in front of you and doing the math and not allowing yourself to be afraid of it.
Because what I find is the reason we don't put a number down, the reason we don't do the math is because it freaks you out. And you're scared of failing and you're afraid of not doing it, and you're afraid of getting too focused on money. Now, I have had clients that have said, "When I put the money there, it just, it doesn't help me to have that number there". And if that is the case for you, take a look at that, maybe honor it, give yourself space for that. So I'm not meaning to discount that, but what I want you to know is that if you want to make money in your coaching business, that having that number and doing the math and having it top of mind is going to help you to eliminate those things on your to-do list that aren't necessary, that aren't relevant, that are only slowing you down.
And the three things that we focus on in this program is the math, the mindset that you have around money, and the decision to make it. And I think that oftentimes in this coaching space where we have so much good emotion work and so much good thought work and so much good belief work, and that's all important and I spend a significant amount of time focusing on that for sure. And sometimes I think we forget that making a decision about creating a certain result is very powerful. We get so caught up in thinking, "I need to believe enough. I need to believe more. I need to stay in belief all the time." When in truth, if you make a decision, I mean really make a decision, and you hold to that commitment even when you're doubting, even when you're not believing, that is powerful.
And I don't care if you are in belief every second of every day. Make that decision and keep moving toward it. So that's point 1. Are you clear with your money? How much you wanna make? When you're gonna make it? Are you going to look at that number and not allow fear to keep you from doing so?
The next thing that is so important as you eliminate the things from your to-do list that are not useful, not helpful, is really being clear on what your plan is and holding yourself accountable. How many of you can relate to making a plan and then you see someone else doing something different, and then you change your plan or you add to your plan, or you make a plan and you start moving forward and something doesn't work, and then you freak out a little bit and then you back off, and then you add something else, and then you change and you adapt.
Now here's the thing, changing and adapting and shifting? Extremely valuable skills as you build your business. 100%, but not all adaptations and changes and shifts are actually useful. Now, I'll just tell you, I'll be really honest with you, that even though I have quite a bit of awareness around this, I have to really pause and figure out at times, where is this coming from for me? Is this a place that I need to adapt and shift, or is this just fear? And inevitably, most of the time when I have been going on a course with conviction and passion and working towards something, and I start having these questions at the end that seem very valid and very real, usually it is just that fear.
So what this means for you is that if you want to continue to eliminate the things from your list that are not necessary, and focus on the things that will move you forward, that will bring clients in the door, make sure that when you set your plan, you are in a clear place of abundance, where you have that money goal in front of you you've looked at your mindset, you've made the decision, and you have a simple plan that doesn't overwork you, that doesn't overburden your schedule. And then have that piece of accountability.
Now, in a program, for example, or when you're working with a coach, you have that built in accountability. So every week I'm on the phone with my coaches and we're coming on Zoom, and we're on Slack, and we have our checklist and we have all these things in place. And so this is on you as a business owner to do that. Make your plan and hold yourself accountable, not only to sticking with the plan and not adding to it or adjusting it when that's not necessary, but also to keep taking steps forward.
Listen, it can be easy for all of us to get a little frozen for all of us to get a little fearful for all of us to get distracted. Do yourself a favor. Give yourself the gift of building in that accountability and the clear path forward.
I have one more tip for you today, and then I'm gonna bring more of this next week. I'm gonna talk more about some of these principles that we are working on. So the last thing for today is think carefully about how you think about failure. So as you make a clear plan for how much money you want to make, and you have a clear step by step, and you're moving forward, you are going to experience failure. And some of these failures, even though very small and some wouldn't even say they're failures, can feel pretty big, right?
Let's go back to this idea of messaging. When I'm working with my coaches and they bring a message that they've written down and it's very concise and they think it's awesome, and they've done all this work. And then I challenge about 10 different parts of it. And it feels to them like they're going backwards and then we work on that and they put something new out there and then we challenge it again, and then we challenge it again, again and again.
And so one of the things that I've worked with my coaches on and that they understand is, this is the work of figuring out your message. You're going to come and we're gonna challenge it. And we're gonna keep challenging and dwindling and clarifying, and that process can feel like failure, discouragement, "I got it wrong".
But when we can all open up to knowing this is the process of figuring it out, it's a totally different experience. And the same is true for you. Because as you move forward, going back to this idea of the things on your calendar and schedule that are not necessary, when you can look at failures in a healthy way, it will be easier for you to eliminate things from your to-do list that are not necessary, and also to prevent you from adding new things onto your plan. And here's why.
When we experience failure, meaning, we do something that doesn't work the way we thought it would, or we get negative feedback or whatever it looks like for you that you interpret and experience as failure. When that happens, we naturally want to try to do something to change that feeling. Often what that looks like is doing more, putting more content out there when maybe you don't need more content, maybe you just need to dial in what you have. It means adding another way of marketing. It means doing 10 more opt-ins. It means taking all of this frantic, scattered action that doesn't build for you simplicity in your message, simplicity in your life, and simplicity in your business.
So when we can take failures - and I use that term very subjectively, because it is an experience that we have - when we can take those perceived failures and be able to see them as part of the process and learn from them, and not take any of them too seriously, this will allow you to keep moving forward on the things that are most important.
All right, coach. In addition to having fun, here are the things I want you to remember. There are things on your to-do list that are keeping you busy, that are not moving your business forward. They are not helping you get clients. They are not helping you coach more. They are not helping you make money, and they are not focusing your business. What are they? Get rid of them. Are you willing to do the math and make a decision that you will meet that goal? Will you help yourself make a plan and stay accountable, and will you think about how you will choose to experience those perceived failures?
That's what I've got for you. I'm excited to talk with you more next week about a few key principles to making money now as a coach and getting your work out into the world. That's what I've got for you, coach. I'll talk with you then.
Hey coach, if you are a life or weight coach looking to make your first or next 10K, the doors to the 10K Accelerator are open. This program is ideal for you if you want some of the foundations for your business, dialing in your messaging, getting in front of more people, and learning how to easily and authentically sign more clients. This program is designed specifically for people who are a coach at heart. You love coaching, you love teaching, connecting, helping people, and marketing and sales often seems like a foreign language.
I'm there to help make it easy for you so that your business can be fun, simple and profitable. All right. That's my sales pitch for you. If you're interested, go over to, click on the 10K Accelerator, and go ahead and submit your application. Hope to see you soon.
Thanks for listening to the Masterful Coach Podcast. If you're ready for complete support as you build your coaching business, check out Molly's collaborative community, the Masterful Coach Collective. It's a place where you'll have access to the best experts in the biz, community support, and guidance as you build your perfect business 90 days at a time.
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