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masterful coach



Make $10K: Why it matters

podcast May 24, 2023

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The dream of making that first $10k may seem out of reach. You may be wondering how to even start toward attaining that goal. Or you may even question why you should try for such a large goal? Perhaps you have already attained it but now you’re wondering how to scale even more. No matter where you are on your business journey, I want to offer an acceleration method to help you to that $10k level and beyond. Before we get to how, it’s important to solidify why it matters. The reason is simple, yet profound: this is part of your foundation. There are inherent benefits in achieving $10k and beyond that exceed just the obvious benefits of more income. So let’s talk about this.

“It’s much more than money. Making your first $10k, and what you build within yourself in that $10k, matters.” – Molly Claire

What You’ll Learn

  • Why $10k?: Foundations you create
    • Changes in you
    • Proof of concept: you can make money
    • Clarity in your genius
    • Perfect multiplier

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Make Your First or Next $10k Master Class – join this FREE Master Class with Molly on Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 11 a.m. Central Time: Are you a mission-centered Life Coach ready to build your profitable + purposeful business? Masterful Coach Foundations + The 10K Accelerator Method is designed just for you: I encourage you to not miss a single episode of my Foundations for Your Coaching Business series:

Connect with Molly Claire

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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Masterful Coach Podcast with Molly Claire. If you're a coach who's ready to impact more lives, make more money, and create a life you love, you are in exactly the right place. Get the support you deserve as a female entrepreneur, master your coaching skills, grow your ideal business, and to honor your priorities in your personal life. Are you in? Let's get started with your host, bestselling author, and master life and business coach, Molly Claire.

Hey, coach. Welcome today's short and sweet episode. I'm gonna be talking with you about, what it means for you in your business when you make that first 10K as a coach. Now, some of you have already made 10K, maybe a hundred k, maybe beyond that, and you're ready to scale to a million. Some of you are here thinking, "If I could just convert one paid client, it would be amazing."

Wherever you fall on this, I'm going to talk with you about why I pushed the 10K Accelerator Method in the foundation's program. I'm gonna talk about that 10K in your program as part of the foundation in your program, because it's much more than money. Making your first 10K and what you build within yourself in that 10K matters. So get ready for this episode.

As I said, even if you're beyond that, I want you to stay tuned here. It's gonna be a very short and sweet episode. And I think you're going to find that you will realize a lot that you gained from that beginning period of your business, and I'm confident that you will be able to use this to move you to that next level of income.

So before we dive in, I will tell you that tomorrow, Thursday, May 25th, I am doing a free masterclass. It is going to be awesome, and it is focused on making your first or next 10K in your business. And the thing that makes this training tomorrow different is I'm going to be talking about some of these small, seemingly insignificant, super skills that most people don't realize they need in order to make more money in your business.

So while it's true that you wanna have a great offer and you wanna have a great message, and you wanna make sure that your price point fits, and you wanna make sure that you have a freebie, and all these little things to help you, there are certain things that go under the radar, and I'm gonna be talking with you about them tomorrow. So if you would really like to make your first 10K or hit that next income level for you, make sure to register in the show notes. You will find the link and you can also go to my website there. So Make Your First or Next 10K Masterclass tomorrow. It's going to be amazing.

Alright coach, let's talk about 10K in your business. Now, what I wanna offer you is that if you are headed toward a hundred K right now, you've already, let's say you've made 10K, 20K, maybe 50K, I want you to listen to the principles in this that apply to you as you're moving toward that next number. All right. So of course the last few weeks we've been focusing on the foundations in your coaching business, and I hope you've been enjoying these interviews and episodes about those basic foundational pieces and why they matter for you now and in every level of your business.

The reason why today I'm focusing on the importance of making your first 10K, is that in the Foundation's program that I offer, we use our 10K accelerator method. And this is used specifically to help you as a coach to get more traction in your business now. And as you are building your list, building a following, doing all the bazillions of tasks that you have on your list that we can first and foremost pair that task list down to what matters most for you in the long term. And also, that you're focusing on things that will bring money in the door now.

So I'm always helping you in the Foundations program to be able to look at the long term and also the current needs of you and your business. And so the 10K Accelerator Method focuses on allowing you to make sure that anything and everything you're doing in your business, even for the long term, is helping you right now to make money.

So 10K. Why do I focus on 10K? I believe that some of the most important things will happen within you as a coach in your business during that period of time. I can certainly say that's the case for me, and I think that this number is often forgotten, and especially when coaches are struggling to get to that first 10K, that first 20K, that first 50K. We have this crazy idea that the place where we really get to feel successful, the place where we really get to be satisfied, is more like six or seven figures. But in actuality and truth, I want you to appreciate where you are now, and that first 10K that you're making or that you've already made.

Okay, so let's talk about why this 10K matters. First and foremost, when you make your first 10K, your first 20K, your beginning place in your business where you really hit a milestone, in truth, you are setting up some pretty big foundational things in your business. Meaning, you're learning how to accept money. For some of you, that will be a bigger obstacle than others, but if you've made 10K, you're learning how to accept money. You also know enough about selling to make money. You know enough about marketing, in that, in fact, you've discovered a lot about what works with your messaging and what doesn't. And you've gained experience not only as a coach, but also as a business owner.

And so I want you to think about this for a minute. That first 10K that you're either looking to make or that you already made, think about the foundations that you gained from that; learning how to sell, how to convert those paid clients, how to accept money, how to set your pricing, enough marketing, enough about your messaging, enough experience, and enough feedback on your process.

And I want to highlight this because those of you that are worried that you need to learn all these things all at once, and you have too much on your list, what I wanna offer you is that with the right process and the right focus, I promise you that you can remove things from your to-do list. You can set your monetary goal in your business, and as you move toward that goal, without question, whatever your financial goal is, whether it's the 10K or a hundred K or the seven figures, I want you to think about simplifying all of it and committing to that income level. When you do, when you commit to that, all of these foundational things will start to come to fruition. All of these foundational things will be built within you.

Let's talk about the second thing I wanna talk about, which is proof of concept that you can make money as a coach. Some of you have made plenty of money for your liking in another field, and some of you have maybe never made money in your own business, and some of you maybe have not really made what you would consider significant money even in adulthood. Maybe you've been home with kids, maybe you've chosen a different path, and here you are, all of you wanting that proof of concept that you can not only make money, but make the amount of money you want. And make money as a coach.

In my experience, personally and when working with other coaches, something sort of magical happens when you pass that 10K mark. You have just created proof of concept that you can make money, and you can make money as a coach. A coach, where you are literally just selling your services. People are paying you for your brain, for your brilliance. You are creating a business out of nothing, out of thin air and making money, how amazing is that?

Third thing I wanna focus on, when you focus on that number and commit to making it, as you move toward that, you will get clarity in your genius, what you offer your clients, and what results you create. Here's what I mean. Typically, when you have converted clients to equal that first 10K, you have created enough experience, personal experiences with your clients that you start to realize what makes you stand out as a coach. We seem to think we should know this from the beginning, right when we first start coaching. And how would we know? Why would we know what we're amazing at until we've done it?

So in that beginning stage, you're able to really get clarity in your genius. What is it you do well? You can notice what it is you want to offer as you've had that experience with your clients and as you've gathered the feedback from your clients as you've watched them on their journey. You're more clear in the results that you can create. So as you're listening, are you starting to feel a little more excited about the power in that first 10K? Yes, it's a number, but it is so much more than that.

The last thing I wanna touch on before I wrap up today and send you on your way, and hopefully see you all tomorrow on the amazing webinar, this last thing is, making that first 10K is the perfect foundation and the perfect place to start to multiply it by 10. If you as a coach have made 10K, you have the foundation that you need and all you need to do is begin to tweak, begin to set that next goal and move toward that six figures or whatever mark it is that you want to hit.

All right, coaches, listen. Next week I'm gonna be sharing with you more about the Foundation's program. I hope this has been helpful. If you've made 10K, take a minute to notice all the good that has come from that. Be proud of yourself. This is a big deal. Notice where your confidence is and how can you use that confidence that you are able to build in that first phase, to move you to that next level.

If you're listening and you haven't hit that 10K, there is a lot of internal work that goes into hitting that number. Stick with it. I promise it is possible. I would love to challenge all of you that haven't yet made that first 10K, make your first 10K in a 90 day period. Set a solid plan, go all in and make it happen.

All right, coaches, I'll talk with you next week.

Thanks for listening to The Masterful Coach Podcast. Are you ready to build your amazing business with Molly as your coach? Check out to find out about Masterful Coach Foundations and the 10K Accelerator Method. It's the ultimate support for you as a coach, building your ideal life and business.