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You Are Your Brand: An Interview with Sarah Ashman

podcast Dec 14, 2022

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 Thinking of your brand in a totally different way can be the key to getting your message out to those who need it. But we’re not talking about graphic designs, logos or even the look of your website. We’re talking about the process to really identify and more concisely communicate your unique mission. There may be thousands of coaches out there but there is only one you!

Because there’s only one you, I’m excited to introduce you to Sarah Ashman, Founder of Public Persona™ Studio and Creator of the MirrorBrand™. Sarah’s personalized approach helps you paint a clearer picture of yourself and give you dimension in a digital realm. It’s all about conveying your personality, your energy, and your background to create a connection so people want to work with you.

Just taking a few moments to look in the mirror, metaphorically speaking, and just to say... ‘Who am I in my business? How would I like for other people to experience me? How would I like to help other people to feel?’... Using that as more of a guiding force in how they choose to put themselves out there.

Sarah Ashman

What You’ll Learn

  • Sorting and crystalizing messages
  • Seeing the expansive view
  • Revealing genius in the unknown
  • Owning what you do
  • Identifying your guiding force
  • Attracting the right people

Connect with Sarah Ashman

Sarah helps Multi-Passionate, Purpose-Driven Creatives, Space Holders, and Change–Agents evolve their Business, elevate their Brand and embody their fullest expression.

At its core, her work is about helping you reconnect with your core – guiding you deeper into who you truly are so that you can leverage and lead with your unique blend of brilliance: confidently and courageously.

Sarah is the Founder of Public Persona™ Studio – A Personal Brand Consultancy: Brand Strategy |  Creative Direction | Message Development | Image Consulting

Sarah is also the Creator of the MirrorBrand™- This is her unique integrative personal branding methodology that helps people to be able to see themselves and what they want to create through their brand clearly so that they can redefine how they show up and share who they are with the world.

Connect with Molly Claire

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Full Episode Transcript:

Intro: Welcome to The Masterful Coach podcast, with Molly Claire, where coaches learn skill mastery, business mastery, and life mastery at a whole new level. If you’re serious about creating a meaningful coaching business that makes a difference, you’re in the right place. And now your host, master life and business coach, Molly Claire.


Molly Claire: Today we're talking about your brand, and we're talking about your brand in a totally different way than you've ever thought about it. I'm introducing you to Sarah Ashman today, who works with online entrepreneurs to identify and carve out what makes your brand unique. And I'm not talking about graphic design or logos or websites, but rather, the process that she does, that she'll talk with you about is helping you to really understand and connect with your unique mission and what actually makes you unique and stand out as an entrepreneur. There are a lot of coaches out there, but no one is you, and no one has what you uniquely offer.


You're going to love this interview with Sarah. She gives you some practical things you can do right now. Sarah will be in the Masterful Coach Collective community speaking in the coming year.


This is the last week for you to join the collective. This community is a place where you will have guided planning sessions every 90 days to plan your quarter. You will have accountability and support, and you will also have experts in business, in life, and in coaching skill mastery. This is really what makes this community magical, is the access that you have to incredible experts, Sarah, being one of them.


Many of the experts that will be speaking in the coming year, you've heard on the podcast, Jody Moore, Christine with the Pod Grow, Tiana, and so many more. So if you are ready to really set yourself up for success in 2020, Go to and sign up to find out more information about the community. We would love to have you. It's an incredible place. A lot of wisdom and growth to be had.


All right, here we go. Without further ado, here is Sarah Ashman.


Okay, coaches. So I have Sarah Ashman today. It's really fun to introduce all of you to her because what she does for coaches, for entrepreneurs is different than anything else I've seen or experienced out there. She works on branding, but she's not a graphic designer. This is like branding and then some. It's much expanded and she's gonna tell you all about that, but part of the reason that I brought her to you here, I know she's going to help all of you to think a little bit differently about who you are and how you present yourself.


And I personally worked with her as I was shifting my business to really take a look inside and bring out those parts of me that I know are gonna help all of you. So she's amazing and I'm excited for this convo. Hello, Sarah, how are you?


Sarah Ashman: Hello. I'm great. Thank you. Thank you for having me.


Molly Claire: Yeah, this is so fun. So I would love for you to tell my listeners, first of all, just what do you do and why do you love it? Just give us kind of the, the synopsis or overview so they, they have a good idea.


Sarah Ashman: Sure. Well, I help female entrepreneurs primarily brand themselves or reimagine how they show up in the world. And that usually translates to the words that they use, the way that they present themselves in imagery.


And the story that they tell and all of that really can paint a very clear picture for others as to who it is that they are, to really bring them dimension in the digital realm.


Molly Claire: And what I love about this is most of my listeners are coaches and we can all say, "Oh, there are other coaches doing this. There are too many coaches in this niche." But really, when we bring us into the work we're doing, that's what differentiates it. That's what attracts our ideal clients. Right. Absolutely.


Sarah Ashman: Absolutely. It's your, your story, it's your background, it's your energy, it's your personality. All of those things and what really will help someone feel a resonance with you to want to work with you.


Molly Claire: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I know, I'll tell all of you, when Sarah and I worked together, we did a pretty extensive process. Really a deep dive. A lot of questions for me that, I mean, just a broad range of questions, right? Really taking a deep dive. And then we met every week, I think for 90 minutes for several weeks, and it was just a really powerful experience to both discover more of what was there, and also I think to just reinforce the messages that I want to put out there.


Do you find that with a lot of your clients, that it's like it almost solidifies or validates in kind of a self-validating way in experiencing this? Like, yes, this is important and I want to get this out there.


Sarah Ashman: Absolutely. Absolutely. I think sometimes we have these messages rolling around in the back of our mind.


Maybe it's a new message that you're wanting to share. Maybe it's a one that you've had in the back of your mind for a while and haven't really shared it. And by really talking it through and discussing it, a lot of that can really crystallize.


Molly Claire: Yeah. And, and I think also there's so much value of working on this over a period of time because we're all in different moods on different days, right? And one thing can be more top of mind for us, and I know for all of you, my listeners, so often you have a lot of different ideas and sometimes you all tell yourself this story that you're scattered and that you're not focused.


I know this is out there and I think there's a lot of value in going through a process. Writing it down and really giving yourself the opportunity to look over time and see what are the themes? What are the things that consistently come up that are kind of pulling me in?


So, why do you love this? Because it's clear to me that this is really a part of who you are and something that like what I would call like your unique genius that you have. So tell us why do you love what you do? What is it?


Sarah Ashman: You know, I really, I think what it is, is I really love helping people to see who they truly are and lead with that part of themselves. I think it's so easy within the space of the online world for us to try to shape and mold ourselves according to who we think we need to be in order to appeal to a certain clientele or, to fit in with everybody else who's in a similar niche. And so I really love bringing people in to see who they really are, what makes them incredibly unique, what is their message, what is their story, and really to, to be able to own that. That is just so powerful for me to be a part of that process.


Molly Claire: Yeah, and I think it almost, in a way, it kind of gives people permission to see who they are and what they have to give as valuable cuz it's so easy for us to minimize that.


Sarah Ashman: Absolutely.


 Molly Claire: So, yeah, I love it. This is great. And by the way, for those of you listening in our community, we were just talking about some awesome things that Sarah's going to be bringing and presenting there. So more to come on that.


But Sarah, tell me, what do you see happen as a result of working with you for your clients? Like what, what would you say is some of the transformation that you see?


Sarah Ashman: Yeah. Well, I think a lot of people who tend to come to me are at a turning point, some kind of a precipice. Maybe there's a new part of their business that they're wanting to birth. Maybe they're wanting to move things in a new direction. And so it's really bringing that clarity to them around where they're going, who they're becoming.


And really using the brand almost to kinda stretch them just a little bit into the future so that it becomes something that they can grow into. And really being able to see how they can narrow that gap frequently, very rapidly is a part of the, overarching transformation that I've seen time and time again.


Molly Claire: Yeah. And as you said that, I was thinking for all of you listening, it's really an interesting idea and concept and I think really what what you do, Sarah, is help people to say, "Okay, it's not necessarily what's my brand right now, today, but if I'm looking at this with an expansive view of who I really am, where I'm really going, how do we create a brand that both obviously serves us now?" is just expansive. I don't feel I'm articulating it very well here. It really is branding yourself while stepping into another version of you, that next version of you.


Sarah Ashman: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. I couldn't have said it better myself.


Molly Claire: Yeah. Which is so, so important. And I know, so for me, we started working together when I was shifting out of my partnership business and I'll talk a little bit about this because all of you listening, I know that this applies to you in some way or another. So for me, I'd been in a partnership business where it was me and my ideas leading things up. And also my partner and her ideas and her essence, kind of together. And so in a way, we both had our own brand, like we would each have our own vibe, but very much our brand was a united brand, which is very different than it just being who I am and my brand and how I want to serve. And so that's why it was really valuable for me to have that space and time with Sarah because I feel like I was able to go through that process of separating out myself from the ways that I had been sort of coming together with someone else.


And so, for all of you listening, it may not be that you're moving out of a partnership business, but I think this shows up in a lot of different ways. It could be that you've, maybe trained under a certain coaching methodology and you're sort of finding your own way and your own space. That would be another example of how do I really tap in into me and remember who I am and step into my own, while bringing all of this knowledge and expertise.


So I would imagine there are many different versions of that, that people come to you with.


Sarah Ashman: Yeah. Absolutely. You know, I mean, we're constantly evolving and so is our business. And it can be that we're so busy caught up in the day-to-day oftentimes that we don't really take the time to stop and think, like, who am I? Who am I becoming? How have things changed? It's really taking that moment to consider. You know, maybe journaling about that can, can bring a lot of insight into where it is that maybe you're, you're headed back.


Molly Claire: Yeah. It's so great. So another thing I wanna know is, this may be a difficult question to answer. I'm just gonna throw it out there and we'll sift through it because essentially, kind of like I was saying, I feel like this is something really unique in you and you've brought it into your business. Or maybe it's just come out and created the business. Right. However we wanna wanna think about that.


But I'm curious, how did you first see within you that this was part of who you are? That this was here, that you had a passion for this? Does that make sense?


Sarah Ashman: Yeah, absolutely. And great question. Well, I mean, my background is in advertising. I would create big campaigns in the ad world in New York and did that for over a decade.


So, kind of cut my teeth there and went into doing this work for entrepreneurs and kind of fell in sideways to be quite honest. And wasn't really clear on how I was wanting to bring it, what my specific services would be. In fact, at the time it was even, web design that I would actually incorporate some of that or designing a logo.


And the more that I started working with individuals, I was expecting them to come to me like a big brand would and say, "Well, yes. So here's who I am. Here's my brief, here is my ideal clientele. Yes. Here's all of the details." And I was expecting to receive that information, to be able to help them to shape their brand around that.


So, very quickly, I realized that that wasn't something that a lot of people actually knew how to articulate. And not only that, but I found myself in the same boat. So me trying to create a brand around myself. And of course, the cobbler's children often have no shoes, but I literally feel like I had this existential crisis for a moment. A brand identity crisis.


And I was like, "Who am I? What am I all about?" Like, I had no idea how to articulate that. And so, in that combination of me trying to figure it out for myself and, which is very hard to do cause it's hard to see ourselves clearly, often, and really diving in and just following my intuition and starting to ask my clients questions about who they were or just reflecting back to them, like, here's what I see. I started realizing that I had this unique ability to kind of tap into someone's essence and to help them to be able to see that or put it into words. So that's kind of the long story, but that's, that's how.


Molly Claire: I mean, I love it because I think that, I think oftentimes our - isn't it fascinating that we can have this genius within us? We don't know that it's there, and it's only when we come up against the crisis in our life that requires that very genius that we see it and that we develop it. It's kind of crazy to think about, right? It's right there, and yet we have to struggle with it in order to have it come out and realized, which is kind of what you're describing.


Sarah Ashman: Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. And, and the paradox is that a lot of times that's where we stomp ourselves. I've found and think like, "Who am I to do this? I can't even do this for myself. I haven't overcome this myself." But what if that's actually exactly where you need to be?


Molly Claire: Yes, yes. Oh, it's so true. This is why so many coaches have this fraud complex. Right? It's so crazy. And so, okay, if, if there's one thing that you all take away from this, remember that, that as you come up against challenges, look for the ways in which your genius is actually going to come out and solve for that.


And you don't have to have it all figured out. It didn't have to come naturally to you. Right? Like Sarah, you're not here saying, "Well, I was always really clear on who I was and what I offered. I was so solid in that and nobody else was, so I figured I would help them." That's not it at all. It's the opposite of that.


Sarah Ashman: Absolutely. Yeah, it is. It totally is.


Molly Claire: And the other thing that stood out to me when you were talking is so interesting how there you are kind of expecting it to be like these big brands where they have that all figured out and you're finding these clients don't have it. And I don't either.


And you're realizing this gap because I don't think, not only do most people not have that, but we don't even know what it is. It's so fascinating because I think it's something that's sort of intangible that we, in a way that we don't realize we need or would be helpful, right? I'm not suggesting to any of you that, oh, you have to figure all of this out before you move your business forward.


That's not true at all, right? You figure stuff out as you move your business forward. But I think it's it's something we just don't realize would be useful. And that's why I, I love what you're doing. You're letting people know how this can help them and why it matters. Yeah.


Sarah Ashman: Absolutely. Absolutely.


Molly Claire: Okay. So what would you say for you as a business owner has been one of your biggest challenges?


Sarah Ashman: You know, I actually feel like one of the big ones was what we just mentioned about feeling like I was not cracked up to do what I - You know, here's this thing that I'm supposed to be the expert on and I can't brand myself out of, you know, brand my way out of a box. And I think that that for a long time was one of the bigger, bigger issues, but also, being pulled, I think, in so many different directions, because that's where my clients wanted me to go.


Molly Claire: Yes.


Sarah Ashman: You know can you help me with this? Sure, sure I can. And after so many years of that, I kind of lost myself and kind of lost my direction. Because I was doing all the things that everybody else wanted me to do or all the things that other people had suggested that I do, and I'd kind of lost myself in the process.


And so, I think that is a very real pull that we all have, that I in particular, struggled with that for a long time. And being able to just kind of like hone in on like, "No, this is my genius. This is what I do." And to own that, that's been a long road.


Molly Claire: And, and you feel like you are now. Yes?


Sarah Ashman: Yeah.


Molly Claire: That was my experience with you. Like, Sarah is clear on this is what she does and these things she does not do. Which is really powerful. It's funny that it's a scary thing for us to do for many reasons, especially if that's kind of our tendency to wanna help and do all of these things.


And I mean, just in listening to you, it's a good reminder for me in so many ways because none of us are really exempt from this stuff challenging us. Yeah, and I think that, as you were saying that, that's kind of one of my favorite things about the community that I have. Because as you know, Sarah, I am all about supporting these women in their journey and finding their perfect balance, and I wanna be a mentor and empower them. And I definitely offer business strategy and all that stuff in there.


But I would so much rather bring in people like you, right? Who's like, this is what I'm an expert at and this person, this is what I'm an expert at. Yeah. I think I just have so many things to say right now about this, but I hope that all of you that feel pulled in those many directions also think about that. Like, what if you just own what you do and go all in on? That can be scary. It's a good, it's a good move. It's a bold move, but a good move.


Sarah Ashman: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And that's such a core part of your brand even. It's just like finding your way to do things and returning to your center, and I greatly admire that as well.


Molly Claire: I mean, and just like you were talking about that before, how have I learned that from my experience, of following advice of a mentor who was - multiple times I did this, a mentor who was smart, capable of brilliance in their guidance and advice and what they were advising actually didn't totally align for me, right?


And so I had to experience that, and in my experience, doing that was one of the biggest slowdowns for me. And yet, at the same time, right now, it's catapulted me forward. It's like it was a slowdown then while I learned the lesson, or it seemed like a slowdown, but now it's part of what is there.


So it's like when I'm working with my clients and I'm saying, "This is what I advise. This is my strategy. This is what I think. And you have to figure out if you agree. You have to figure out if this aligns and you have permission to pick and choose. You can throw all of this out. You can keep whatever you want." And it's a very empowering and powerful way to build a business, I think. Aligning with self. Yeah.


Sarah Ashman: 100%.


Molly Claire: Okay. So I have another question for you, and then I'm gonna have you tell everyone where they can find you and of course share any parting words. What would you tell someone who is a new business owner just starting out?


Sarah Ashman: I would actually recommend just taking a few moments to look in the mirror, metaphorically speaking, and just to say, "Who am I?" Maybe write all of this down. Like, who am I? How, how would I characterize myself? And if you need somebody else to, that, you know and trust very well to reflect some of that back, maybe it's some adjectives, right? Really taking a moment to really think about who am I in my business?


Like, how would I like for other people to experience me? How would I like to help other people to feel? And using that as more of a guiding force in how they choose to put themselves out there. And maybe the website design that they choose or the colors that they choose, maybe just saying, "Does this reflect this identity, who I know myself to be. Does this align?" Because when you do that, not only do you feel like there's some kind of meaning behind everything, it's gonna feel like, yes, that is me. But also it's going to help for other people to feel you a bit more, because it's all more of a reflection of, of your, your essence.


Molly Claire: Yes. As you're describing that, I'm imagining that feeling that I know I've felt, and hopefully my listeners have felt too, when we really are grounded in who we are and we feel secure enough to lead with who we are and and that's pretty powerful. Also, to think that as we do that we genuinely are going to naturally attract the people who want what we have to offer, which feels so much better than trying to convince people that they want what we have to offer


Sarah Ashman: Absolutely.


Molly Claire: Absolutely. Yeah, and I was thinking about, this is kind of a side note, but as you were talking about, do these colors, does this website represent this? I was thinking for me, part of what's been so helpful and powerful about having the dossier, which is the document that you helped to create that outlines who I am and the essence of my brand, is that I know this is just a thought, for like people in the coaching world, this may be just a thought, but I pretty much believe that I'm not that great with design and visuals.


Like, it's just not something that has ever come naturally to me. So I'm so grateful for the people that do have that expertise because when I have this, "Hey, this is who I am", I get to hand it to these amazing people who are great with the visual design and say, "Hey, can you help me create something that is a reflection of this?"


So, Okay, Sarah, I would love for you to tell my listeners where they can find you and also just anything else you would like to share. Go for it.


Sarah Ashman: Sure, absolutely. Well my website is You can find my Instagram. You just look up Sarah Ashman.


Say hello. I always welcome DMs. And yeah, just, I think following the lead of what you shared and what I shared a bit as well is just constantly to come back to center.


Molly Claire: Yeah.


Sarah Ashman: I think is something that I just would love for, for people to, to walk away with.


Molly Claire: Yeah, I love it. And you know, I'll have all this info in the show notes and for any of you that are curious about this, I know Sarah has many different ways that she works with entrepreneurs and different capacities, group, individual, and such. So if you do have more interest, definitely you know, reach out to her, send her a dm.


And thank you so much, Sarah. This has been awesome.


Sarah Ashman: Thank you. This was great fun. Thank you so much.


Molly Claire: Yeah. All right. See you later.


Outro: Thanks for listening to The Masterful Coach Podcast. If you’re ready for complete support as you build your coaching business, check out Molly’s collaborative community, The Masterful Coach Collective, it’s a place where you’ll have access to the best experts in the biz, community support and guidance as you build your perfect business 90 days at a time. Visit for details.